Wednesday 29 June 2011

Wednesday June 29, 2011

Read 2 Peter 3:1

The word ‘stimulate’ has interesting connotations doesn't it? What comes up in your mind as you hear the word?  Peter wants to spur us on, to motivate us,  to wholesome thinking.  The Greek words for ‘wholesome thinking’ could be literally translated as ‘a sincere mind’ or ‘unmixed intelligence’.  God doesn’t want our thought life to be a mix of good thoughts, bad thoughts, wholesome thoughts and lustful thoughts, forgiveness and forgiveness. He wants our

thoughts to be pure, unmixed and sincere.

As we saw yesterday, this is where the battle field really lies.  As you consider your thought life, would you summarise it as ‘wholesome’? Would you say that your mind is filled with unmixed intelligence? Would you say that your mind was pure or sincere?

This is perhaps the hardest thing that we have to do as believers. Taking every thought captive and making them all obedient to Christ is a 24/7 effort that we can never take a break from.  It’s down right hard yakka! But don’t let that scare you away.  Read the following passages and spend a bit of time asking God how you can put them into practice in your own life.

Proverbs 4:23 -

Psalm 119:11 -

1 Cor 15:33 -

Job 30:1 -

Here’s some ideas that may help you to be stimulated to wholesome, unmixed thinking.  Be very careful of what you see and hear. If you are regularly hearing and seeing things that displease God or lead you into temptation, get rid of the source, as much as you can.  Get rid of the TV. Turn off the radio or listen to Christ honouring music. Put a filter on the computer. Start learning Bible verses that speak to your heart. Memorise them. Aim for 1 verse a day to be put into your noggin. Learn bible verse songs. If you are musical start writing verses to music so we non-musical buffs can be blessed.  The bell has rung. It’s time to come out of your corner fighting.


V Itchin’4Stitching, praise God for the consistency and commitment of the ladies who meet each month and for their willingness to learn and sew quilts for the new Teen Challenge Girls facility.

V Read 1 John 1:9 and confess some of the bad choices you have made. Spend time rejoicing in God’s forgiveness and purification.

V Pray that your brothers and sisters in the congregation would be making godly choices as well.

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