Saturday 25 June 2011

Saturday June 25, 2011

Read Mark 14:22-28

Imagine what it would have been like for Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. One of His own disciples has left to betray Him. He knows that He is about to bear the entire wrath of God for the sins of the entire world upon His shoulders. (John 1:29) The one who had been eternally united with the Father was about to be ripped away from Him for your sins and for my sins and for the other 20 billion people’s (those who have lived to date) sins in the world. Jesus must have been unimaginably burdened.

Can you grasp why He prayed "Abba, Father," He said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."? As He came back to the disciples He found them heavy with sleep. They could not keep watch for even one hour. He said to them, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." If we are to avoid temptation and if we are to do the Lord’s will rather than our own, we are to watch and pray.

But what do I watch for? Anything that will move you even one slight iota away from the Lord, anything that will tempt you to do things, think things or say things that are contrary to God’s liking. Keep watch as a soldier on night duty keeps watch for the enemy. Satan will not spare you his attacks. He will not be nice to you. When you least expect it, he will attack. You and your team mates must keep watch.

But you must also be praying. But what should I pray for? Pray, like Jesus did, that God’s will be done. Pray that you will stand firm and strong in the face of temptation. Pray too for your comrades.

After Jesus tells us to watch and pray, He reveals to us an amazing truth about the Christian state. The Spirit is willing. The Holy Spirit within you wants to lead you in holiness. He wants to lead you in victory. He wants to give you success in your fight against the enemy. He wants to see you rise up from the ashes! But the body is weak. Our bodies have natural desires and lusts. Our bodies crave and yearn and pull us in the wrong direction. Our bodies need sleep and food and comfort and… the evil one exploits all of these to get at God and to make a mockery of His Son Jesus through YOU.

Jesus, our master and commander in chief has given us a battle plan. We would do well to follow His advice. We are to keep watch because our bodies are weak. We are to pray constantly because the Spirit is indeed willing.


V Pray for God’s provision for all the resources needed for the Holiday Kids Club here at Christlife.

V Pray that all the helpers needed to run this Holiday Programme will be swift in stepping forward.

V Praise God now for the many children from the community who will attend.

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