Friday 24 June 2011

Friday June 24, 2011

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13;   Matthew 4:1-11

I know as much about temptation as any man on this planet. So do you. If you are not a man but a woman, you know all about feminine temptations as well. You know as much as any other female in this world!  This is true because temptation is common to all of us. We are all human and we are all tempted. We are often tempted in different areas but we are all tempted. Even Jesus was tempted.

When we are staring temptation in the face and the hook is sinking in, we need to remember 1 Corinthians 10:13. This is our life line to victory and godliness. This is where being a real man or genuine woman of Christ really cuts it.

God assures us that He will provide us a way out from temptation. He will provide us a way out so that we can stand up under it.  The passage is NOT saying God will necessarily open the exit door immediately but that He will have an open door so that during the temptation we can stand and not fall. It’s like weight training and muscle toning. We have to do some hard work to grow our muscles and to improve our tone. If we always take the easy option we’ll be 2 pound weaklings that fall over in a breeze! God is testing our muscles of faith and growing us in strength. In the midst of temptation, be comforted and rest assured that God will open the escape hatch as soon as He is ready.

But when temptation starts you can and should be doing several things. Firstly cry out to God and seek Him immediately. Don’t dally and play with temptation because the barbs will cut into you and cause damage. Secondly, use Scripture as Jesus did. Read it. Recite it. Recall it. Whatever! Use Scripture. Call a team mate over to help. Get on the phone, the sms or email or even drop in to see them. At all costs get others praying for you too.

God works in great ways when we turn to Him. As we cry out to our Saviour for release from the grip of temptation he will do one of many possible things. He may give us the supernatural strength to simply walk away. He may remove the temptation. He may bring a brother or sister along to support us. He may intervene in some amazing way to relieve the temptation.

Remember the story of the little boy that thought playing with a detonator would be fun? It blew his hands off. Sin and temptation are a detonator that will blow up and cause you much heart ache and misery. Don’t be silly enough to think that no one gets hurt if you play with them for a little while.

You will get hurt and so will others that you love and cherish. When temptation knocks on the door of your heart, knock on God’s door IMMEDIDATELY.


V Praise God for the large number of families who attended MOPS last week.

V  Pray that meaningful relationships will continue to be built and nurtured.

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