
We all struggle with sin at different times. Indeed we all struggle with different issues. Even so the Bible never condones our sinfulness and it never encourages us towards sin. The movement in the Scriptures is always away from sin towards holiness.

The corporate Christian body can do several things to support and sustain each individual in their struggle against sin.
Here are some thoughts that will help each of us deal with the sin battle in our lives.
· Sin needs to be preached and taught in all its ugliness and rebelliousness against God.
· Forgiveness needs to be taught, modelled and a living reality among the body
· Cell groups need to be relating intimately and deeply with open and honest discussion about our struggles, failures and successes.
· Individuals need to be in relationships where they can share personal struggles and issues in a safe yet challenging environment.

Each congregation needs to come to the realisation that the battle against sin is both corporate and individual. Individually we battle sin in our separate lives but corporately we support and encourage one another. Congregations need to realise that together they are travellers on the same narrow road of holiness. At times people will stumble and fall into sin. As brothers and sisters in the Lord we need to be there to support them, to uplift them and to put into place mechanisms and support structures that allow success and make further sin more difficult.

Congregations that practice and live out grace on a day by day see sin and the desire for sin being reduced. Congregations that display grace encourage and promote holiness. It may seem contrary to human logic but grace doesn’t encourage sin, it slows down its growth and spread.

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