A Little Change Can Change Your Life

Many people believe that they cannot tithe because of their financial or budgetary restrictions. I’ve talked to many many people who would love to tithe but simply cannot because the mighty dollar will only stretch so far.

While there is a certain element of truth in this sentiment, there are changes we can all make so that there is more to give to the Lord. Certain changes can change your entire life. Here’s a few suggestions:
· When shopping look for cheaper alternatives and sales that save you money. Shopping in bulk always saves large amounts of money. Meat for example in bulk can be reduced from $20+ per kilo to $7 per kilo.
·  Plan your shopping trips and have a list of items that are needed and necessary. Often when shopping without a list we fill up our trolleys with things we don’t really need.  You’ll save hundreds per month.
· Pack your lunch for work each day rather than buying it. Hundreds of dollars will be saved each year.
· Limit going out for lunches, dinners etc.
· Drink more water and less of expensive additives or drinks.
· Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs drain a lot of funds. Quit while you can. Some people spend up to and over $100 per week on these. Great savings here!
· Turn off electricals when not in use. Experts tell us we could save hundreds annually if we take the time to be energy wise.
· Look for better rates on your credit cards or even better, cut them up and trash them. Only buy what you have the cash for! You’ll save thousands on interest.
· Save fuel by car pooling or reducing the amount you drive.
· Turn off the TV and refuse to buy anything from an ad you’ve seen. These gadgets are rarely necessary and can often be done without.

At the end of the day each one of us is responsible for managing our own affairs. If we cannot tithe then perhaps it’s time for radical surgery in our lives. We need to figure out where our money  is going and why we can’t put God first on the agenda and budget. We need to take radical action so that we are loving God with our entire heart, soul, mind and strength.

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