Saturday 4 June 2011

Saturday June 4, 2011

Read 2 Peter 1:10-11; Philippians 3:8-16

At a non Christian funeral the celebrant stood and offered these words to the grieving family, relatives and friends, ’We do not and cannot know what happens after death...but our memories remain with us...’. At that crucial junction when the family, friends and relatives needed hope and assurance they were told that we have no way of knowing what comes after death.

And yet the Bible is exceedingly clear. When we die we will stand before God.

There are two options before us - heaven or hell. One is a wonderful paradise. The other? A lonely miserable existence of torture and torment.

Are you certain, my Christian Brother/Sister that you have eternal life? Are you convinced beyond any doubt that you will have eternal life in the Kingdom? Are you one million percent assured that life eternal in a perfect paradise awaits you?

The Bible is filled with such assurances and promises to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ. It is out of that promise and assurance that Peter writes these blessed words, ’be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure’. As the fruit of the Spirit and the virtues we’ve discussed grow in you and abound in your life you can be more assured, even more assured, that the heavenly paradise awaits you. You can be sure that Christ is labouring for you, building you a room in God’s heavenly mansion. We are not earning our salvation or trying to grasp at it. We are building upon it. When times of doubt come we can look at our life and see God’s Spirit at work within us and through us.

That is why Paul strives onwards and why he strains himself forward. He runs the race with perseverance. He urges and pushes himself to the finish line. He wants nothing more than to enjoy that perfect paradise with God eternal.

Imagine if the greatest King invited you to a banquet one night at his royal palace. Imagine that this king was a king that you particularly loved and respected. As the evening banquet of the king nears, are you going to let anything get in the way of attending that dinner? Are you going to fill your schedule so tightly that you might miss the dinner? Are you going to book a holiday on that day and miss it? Of course not! God forbid! The great King of Kings has invited you to his royal and eternal and heavenly banquet. You have the invitation written on your heart by faith. Are you going to let anything sinful stop you from attending? Are you going to so busy your schedule that you forget the banquet and miss it? Are you going to be concerned with the holidays and play things of this world that you miss the banquet? Of course not! God forbid.

What the Bible is saying is that YOU DO HAVE THIS ROYAL INVITE. Treasure it. Protect it. Let it motivate you and spur you on. Get it out and look at it. Remind yourself of it. Talk about it with the other invitees. Indulge yourself in it.

If heaven were chocolate God would have all the oceans of chocolate ready and waiting for you. It’s time to indulge!


V Pray for the Christians in Burma’s Chin state as they are under intense persecution from the Burmese soldiers.

V Pray for our children and teens to know God deeper and more intimately.

V Pray for teenagers and children to be regular readers of the Word and that prayer would be a priority for them.

V Pray that they will be world changers in their own environments.

Are you serious about removing Sin from your life and walking victoriously? Read

Vs 10b If you are.

The key word is “IF”. Walking victoriously is possible if we do certain things, if we live out our salvation, if we add to our faith, if we .... Walking victoriously is a divine team effort. You and God work together as you grow in holiness and perfection. He wants you to take the centre stage in this process and to be ready and willing to jettison all sin as he reveals it to you.

Do you want to be victorious? Start today by getting involved with God!

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