Monday 13 June 2011

Monday June 13, 2011

Read 2 Peter 1:15;  Exodus 24

It amazes me that many people who “poo poo” the Bible have never actually read it in any meaningful or serious way! Many people think of the Bible as a group of nice stories. Some even accept Jesus as a literal man that existed in the Middle East about 2,000 years ago. He was that guy who taught good morals and said some pretty profound things. Yet others think that it’s all a made-up pile of stories, legends and myths. One “serious” PhD scholar tried to convince me that the miracle of Jesus walking on the water was really Jesus walking along the wharf. Since the disciples were far away in the boat and because it was hot (as it is in the Middle East) they saw a mirage and thought Jesus was walking on water. Hmmm? How serious is that?  Others have argued until they’re blue in the face that Jesus wasn’t really dead in the tomb. He was unconscious and the cool of the tomb helped resuscitate Him.

I wonder what your true attitude to the Bible is. Take a moment to finish this sentence…  I think the Word of God is….

What is the Word of God to you? Is it the infallible and true Word that God has spoken to you? Is it the majestic voice of your Saviour telling you all that you need for life and godliness? Or is it just like any other book? Is it just like the newspaper you read or the novels you borrow from the library? Granted that the physical book we carry around is simply a book, with ink words printed on normal, every day paper.

When you open the Bible, do you hear the voice of God Almighty? Do you feel the inspiration and the moving of the Holy Spirit as you read? Do you sense the presence of greatness as the words sink deep into your soul?

Every time I open my Bible I seek to get a measure of the enormity of what’s happening - the Creator God of the entire universe is stooping down to talk to me personally. WOW!

Peter assures us that the apostles did not follow clever little stories that were made-up.  What they wrote for us and what they preached were the very things that they were eyewitnesses to. The New Testament, the Word of God, is written for us by men who were there with Jesus, by men who ate and drank with Him.  We have a first hand historical document that is of immense value but hopefully by the end of the week you’ll see that  it’s far more than just an historical document.


V Pray for God to raise up new leaders at Student Life at USQ.

V Pray for students to be reaching their friends with the gospel.

V Pray for Student Life's initiative with launching movements in Perth this year.

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