Thursday 23 June 2011

Thursday June 23, 2011

Read Daniel 11:35; Matthew 26:33-34, 69-75

Sometimes when we fall into sin we feel terrible don’t we? At those low times we find it hard to forgive ourselves and might even end up hating ourselves. The depression can set in and the downward spiral can begin again. It may take weeks or even months to climb up the ladder again.

It’s in those downtimes that we really need to hear the truth that God is Lord and is still sovereign when I have sinned. God is so sovereign that He even has a plan in our sins. Even my sins work for the greater good of God’s plans. That’s hard to get our heads around isn’t it?

Think about Peter and you’ll see what I mean. Peter was adamant that he would die with Jesus if he had to. Not long after that, Jesus was arrested. Peter had the opportunity to stand up and die with Jesus. Three times he was challenged and three times (even with a curse) he denied knowing Jesus. Peter was so traumatised by his denial, and rightly so, that he went out and wept bitterly. But the resurrected Jesus (see John 21) reinstated Peter and confirmed His love for him. But to see God’s sovereignty in the whole affair, think about what would have happened if Peter did stand up and declare himself a follower of Jesus. He too would have been arrested. He too would have been falsely tried and sent to the cross. He too would have died that very day. God had plans for Peter’s life. His denial did not alter God’s plans or catch Him by surprise. God was working, even through Peter’s sin.

As Daniel reminds us, sometimes God allows us to fall into sin so that we might grow in holiness, righteousness and zeal for the Lord. He uses our sins for his purposes. When we are down about our sins, self pity and hatred are not the order of the day. Looking at God and His sovereignty is. We can be cheered and encouraged knowing that God is at work. Rather than eating ourselves up, we need to take stock of ourselves, see what we have learnt from our sinful ways and learn to take more precaution next time. We need to let our resolve not to sin grow as we climb out of the pit. Even after you have sinned, God will forgive you, love you and reinstate you through the power of forgiveness. Turn to Him and resist the urge to stare in the mirror.


V Pray for the health and wellbeing of our King’s Kids Sponsor children in Indonesia. Willy is 8 and lives with his parents at a relative’s home. His favourite Bible passage is the story of Jacob and Esau. He asks for prayer for his family, Nia is 4 and lives with her mum, dad and sister Via. She asks for prayer for her sister, grandma, mum and dad.

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