Saturday 5 February 2011

February 5, 2011

Read Daniel 1:17-21

When we are determined to stand up for God and to stand out for Him, we can expect God to work in powerful ways.

Daniel and his friends were determined not to be defiled by their sojourn in Babylon. They wanted, more than anything else, to serve God and to be His witnesses in a foreign land. As they turned to God and relied on Him completely, God worked powerfully among them. God gave them knowledge and wisdom and learning ten times as much as the other prisoners and the local magicians and enchanters. God blessed them as they stood up for Him.

As you and I make up our minds to stand for up Jesus and to serve only Him in this world we too will see God powerfully at work. As we humble ourselves and rely completely on the Lord we will see God work mightily in our midst.

What would it look like for you to stand up for Jesus at work? How would it play out as you represent Christ among your non believing friends? What would it be like for your to step out in faith and tell your family or friends about Jesus? What will happen as you offer to pray for that sick neighbour or relative? What will be the outcome as your offer your service to the needy, the poor and the afflicted with no strings attached?

As you and I step out in faith and resolve to be deliberately distinctive, we will see God powerfully at work.  I remember such an occasion in one church I was pastoring. We decided to run a free Jazz dinner evening for the local community to encourage them to attend church and to hear about Jesus. On the day of the event it rained. Being an outdoor event, this spelt disaster. But we pressed on, praying that God would work powerfully. As evening approached, the rain clouds still hung about. However, in this one little suburb it did not rain. Every other suburb around us experienced much rain. The even went ahead. People heard the gospel and God was greatly glorified.


þ Pray that you will see God powerfully at work tomorrow in your church gathering. Pray that every believer will come along ready to meet with God, willing to serve and edify each other and ready to use their spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ.

þ Pray that the Mustard Seed Orphanage in Myanmar would see the Lord powerfully providing for their needs as they care for orphans and widows and the disabled.  Pray that the love of Christ would emanate from this orphanage so much so that others around them come to Christ in repentance and faith.

þ Pray that the Word of God would be powerfully proclaimed tomorrow at your church gathering and that God would use his word to mould us, make us and form us to be more like Christ.

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