Friday 25 February 2011

February 25 2011

Read Daniel 4:34-37. Romans 11:33-36.

Many people in this world, even believers, have a distorted view of God. Some believers see God as their heavenly physician, only to be called upon when sickness draws near. Others see Him as the eternal ATM, an eternal credit card to use when in need or overwhelmed with covetous desires. In the world God is seen as a teacher of morals, a god among the many gods, and (dare I say) an aged, somewhat senile, grandfather who sits on his rocking chair idly watching the world go by.

The bible paints a very different picture of God. Isaiah saw the Lord in His throne room and fell face down with fear. He declared that he was ruined because of his sin and his people's sins.  Daniel saw heavenly beings and again, fell down as though dead.  Seeing the Lord is a terrifying thing because of His unimaginable holiness, his incredible majesty.  Looking at God would be like looking directly at the sun through the most powerful telescope we have!! Standing before unspeakable glory, dominion and power would, I assure you, leave you speechless and very very afraid.

Nebuchadnezzar captured the sense of God’s brilliance and majesty. He declared that this God, the God of Daniel, does what he pleases.  We cannot presume to counsel God or tell Him what to do. We dare not prescribe a course of action for Him to follow. This God does what he pleases. He can set up kings as he wills. He can remove powers and authorities as he sees fit. He can act in ways that contradict our demands or expectations. He can work in ways that we never dreamt of. God can do as he pleases.

All too often I hear believers praying as though they are god! By listening to their prayers, you would be forgiven for thinking that Yahweh is the servant. He is at their beck and call and does as he’s told. Think about your prayers. Are they fitting for the majesty and mighty, holy and righteous God of the universe? Do your prayers show God to be your God not your servant? Do you pray to God with a sense of awe, reverence and fear? Do you let God be God and do as He pleases?


þ Read Psalm 29 or Psalm 136 and spend time in adoration and praise of God for who he is and his qualities. Try hard not to ask for anything at all but simply to praise God, to speak of his might and wonders and deeds.

þ Pray for your church’s gathering this Sonday. Pray that every believer will come along ready to stand before an awesome, holy God and to worship Him as he is, not as we’d like him to be.

þ Pray that Creation Ministries would continue to work for the Lord providing powerful incentives to believe the entire gospel (Genesis to Revelation). Ask God to use them powerfully to bring many into the kingdom and to educate many believers who seem to desire to remove Genesis 1-11 from their bibles.

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