Wednesday 16 February 2011

February 16, 2011

Read Daniel 4:8-15. Luke 12:4-5.

I remember reading of an Indian church that was attacked during their Sonday gathering. The gunmen threatened to shoot the pastor if he continued to preach and did not deny the Lord Jesus. At another time I read about  a young teenage Christian girl in Russia that was beaten to a pulp by the authorities that raided their midweek prayer meeting.  Another pastor in Nigeria was threatened by a marauding gang wielding clubs, hammers, machetes and knives.  Shadrach,  Meshach and Abednego were threatened with certain extinction (thrown into the fiery furnace) if they did not bow down and worship the golden statue set up by the king.

No person mentioned above  gave into temptation and denied the Lord Jesus Christ. They were more willing to die than to deny Christ and to worship or pay homage to someone or something other than Jesus. They knew that God is more powerful, more fearful,  more deserving of worship than anything or anyone on this planet.  So they stood firm.

If you and I are to continue standing out for Jesus and making a difference in this world then we need to choose to worship Christ and Christ alone. Though we may never be called to die for Jesus, we are called to live for Him each and every single day. As you wake up each morning, commit the day to Him and promise to live for Him alone. Dedicate your heart to our God each and every morning. Give Him all you have - your assets, your money, your car and house, your work, your hobbies, your garden, your thoughts, your words.... (get the picture??).  Use what you have and what you are to serve God and to bring glory to His name.

When it comes to the people in this world and the threats they make against you, remember this. You have nothing to fear! You do not even have to fear death itself because death has been defeated at the cross of Calvary. So whether you live or die, you do so to the Lord. The moment you finally close your eyes in this world, you will open them in the presence of your blessed Lord and Saviour.  In essence, you have nothing to fear, not even death itself. Go forth today and serve the Lord in confidence and victory!!


þ Pray that God would grant the leadership of your church (pastor, elders, staff, ministry leaders, cell leaders etc) a servant heart. Ask the Lord to bless them with the wisdom to apply the Scriptures to their own lives first and foremost.

þ Pray that Shiloh Church Ministries would be blessed with the resources they need to minister to orphans, widows, the displaced and those who are destitute. Pray that many would come to Christ through their ministry.

þ Pray for the team going to India in September. Pray that the team will be united, productive and able to minister to many in the area.

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