Wednesday 2 February 2011

February 1, 2011

Read Daniel 1:1-2

To take up one’s cross and to follow Jesus is effectively a death sentence. Criminals did not survive crucifixion. It was as sure to lead to death as standing before a firing squad today or drinking a cup full of cyanide. It was a death sentence.  Understandably, the call to take up your cross and to follow Jesus may make us somewhat nervous and worried and apprehensive.

But we can move forward in confidence. A clue lies in today’s reading. Did you find it? Did you pick up on it?

In verse 2 we see the correct perspective. The Lord God Almighty gave success to Nebuchadnezzar and delivered the land of Judah into enemy hands. The defeat of Jerusalem was ultimately God’s doing not Nebuchadnezzar’s. Until we truly understand the sovereignty of the Lord God Almighty, taking up our cross to follow Jesus will always be scary and apprehensive. Only when we are freed by the knowledge of the sovereignty of God will we freely and joyfully follow Jesus, bearing whatever cross he sees fit to lay upon my shoulders.

As I understand the sovereignty of God I begin to realise that He has put me in this situation to further his Kingdom. This event or rocky road is for my ultimate welfare and benefit (Romans 8:28). God, my Sovereign and Lord, has put me here for a reason. Nothing can happen to me outside of his will. I can march confidently and valiantly forward. I can stand in purity and holiness. I can declare His name to those around me. I can love and serve, even those who hate me and take from me. I can shine the loving light of Jesus in any and every situation because God, my God, is the one true sovereign Lord.


þ Pray that those who are employed by your church (Pastor Esa, Brad, Jane, Lois, Glennys) will know the sovereignty of God and will walk forward victoriously and valiantly.

þ Ask God to change your heart and attitude to godliness and joy in any area where you have been worried, anxious, fretting or nervous etc. Pray that you will shine the light of Jesus clearly and distinctly in that situation.

þ Pray for our brothers and sisters in the Myanmar Bible Colleges as they seek to evangelise and make disciples for Jesus. Pray that they would be victorious over the poverty, the persecution and the need to stay under the radar. Pray that many will come to Christ through their witness.

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