Friday 4 February 2011

February 4, 2011

Read Daniel 1:15-16.

Where is God? Why! Why ! Why? What is going on Lord? Lord where are you? Lord I need you?

Have you ever cried out to the Lord from the depths of your heart? Have you ever extended desperate hands to heaven in sobbing prayers? Have you ever desperately needed God to intervene?

Daniel and his friends needed God to intervene. They had refused the King’s food and wine. Effectively, they defied allegiance to the  foreign potentate and stood up for their own God, Yahweh. Would God come through? Would God help them? Would God do as he promised? Can He be trusted? Who knows what kinds of questions ran through their minds as they dedicated themselves to the one true living Lord for ten whole days.

And God did come through. They were found to be healthier and fatter than the other prisoners even though they ate only vegetables and drank only water. God answered their plea as they desperately relied only upon Him to come through for them.

You and I can cry out to God in confidence knowing that he always hears our prayers. See Hebrews 7:25, 1 John 5:14, 1 John 3:21-22. We can commit ourselves and our situation to the Lord confidently. We can know for certain that he will hear our prayers and come through for us. We can trust God in any and every situation as we seek to live for Him, to shine His light and to bring others into His kingdom.


þ Pray for Dave and Kirsty Richards as they seek to live for Him in NZ.. Pray that God would grant them all they need to bear much fruit in their university ministry. Pray that the children will settle into routines well.

þ Pray for the work of Student Life as they seek to bring many students into the kingdom. Pray that God would grant the leadership wisdom and direction, unity and oneness and the ability to communicate goals and strategies clearly and effectively. Pray for a great harvest in our universities.

þ Pray that our state schools will have adequate SRI volunteers so that each child in Years 1-12 has the maximum hours of SRI allocated to them. Pray that churches will be zealous for this ministry. Ask God to bring a great harvest from the schools.

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