Read: John 3:16, Acts 2:38
Christ and Crucified
This is the moment that everyone had been waiting for. This is the turning point in History, the point where God's master rescue plan is finally revealed in full. This is where Christianity finally comes into full focus and our hope for salvation is revealed. Everything that we have talked about so far was building to this moment. What moment? The coming of JesusChrist.
Jesus was no ordinary man. Jesus was both fully man and fully God. He came to Earth from heavenwhere He had existed for all time as God the Son and became a limited, finite human being in order to rescue His people. He lived a totally righteous life and totally submitted Himself to the rule of God the Father as His king. Jesus obeyed every command and purpose of God. His life was truly perfect. Despite being God He lived His life as a servant and served the very people that He had created, even to the point that He died on the cross. If you look closely on this card you can see the shape of the cross in the image of Jesus.
Jesus Christ, God in flesh, was willingly crucified for the sake of His people. This wouldn't be good news except for the fact that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. HE IS ALIVE! The resurrection proves that Christ had lived a perfect life that satisfied all of God's commands, it proves that the price for our rebellion had been fully paid forever and it proved that Jesus has won the battle against sin and death.
As a result of His death and resurrection Jesus calls us to believe in Him and the work that He has done on our behalf. Those who believe in Him He fills with the Holy Spirit so that they might have the power to live a new life. This is why Peter called people to repent and be baptised for the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus truly is deserving of worship because of all that He has done. We ought to submit ourselves to Him as our king and to worship Him with every part of our lives. Take a moment to worship Jesus for all that He has done today.
Discussion Questions for families and groups
- Why did Jesus have to live a sinless life?
- Why did Jesus have to die?
- Why did Jesus have to be resurrected?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
- Praise Jesus Christ for all that He has done on our behalf. Praise Him that He came as a humble servant to serve us with His life. Praise Him that He willingly surrendered His life and was crucified for us. Praise Him that He was resurrected from the dead and that He is indeed worthy of all worship.
- Pray for all the men in your congregation including the fathers, grandfathers, sons, uncles, brothers, husbands, single men and widowers. Pray that God would be working powerfully in their hearts. Pray that they would be an example of godliness to those around them and that they would serve the church sacrificially, faithfully and boldly.
- Pray for the three people you listed above and for an opportunity to share the gospel with them.
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