Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Read: Exodus 19:5-6


C2C - Country
So far in our journey through the Gospel we have seen that even in the face of mankind's rebellion and sin, God is at work to rescue and restore a people to Himself. Even at mankind's original rebellion God was gracious to them and did not destroy them. Instead He promised a rescue. At the time of the flood God spared His people by providing a way of salvation. He is actively working to protect and provide for His people. This work of God comes right into the foreground of the story with our next card: Country.
God establishes for Himself a people on Earth, a nation through whom He will bring about His rescue plan for all people. This is the Nation of Israel. God began this work by making a promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 that God would create a nation through Him. 400 years later, in one of the most dramatic moments in the whole Bible, God steps in to rescue this nation, His people, from slavery in Egypt. God brings this people out of slavery and establishes them as a nation. This nation is not to be inward looking but is instead to show the truth to the world. They are to be a kingdom of priests that show God to the world and a holy nation that demonstrates God to all people.
But the nation of Israel rejected God just like Adam and Eve did. They rejected the commands and rule of God and refused to yield to His plan for them. They chose their own way and deliberately chose to walk in sin and unrighteousness.
At this point it seems like God's plans have failed. Instead of showing God to the other nations of the world Israel sinks into sin and becomes just like everyone else. How could God possibly use this to rescue mankind from sin?

Discussion Questions for families and groups

  1. How did God intend Israel to function within itself as a nation?
  2. How did God intend Israel to function to the other nations around them?
  3. What does Israel's rejection of God show us about God, about mankind and about Jesus?


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray by name for those in your family who don't know Christ and have not heard the Gospel. Pray that your life would be an example to them of God's work. Pray that God would be at work in their lives and that they would have an opportunity to hear the Gospel. Pray that God would give you opportunities and boldness to share the good news with them.
  • Pray for PlayPals this morning at ChristLife. Pray that the mothers from the community would come with open hearts and minds. Pray that good relationships would be built and that many mums would come to know Christ. Pray that the Christian mums who attend would be bold in sharing their faith.
  • Pray for the three people you listed above and for an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

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