Thursday, 10 April 2014

Thursday April 10, 2014

Read Romans 8:29-39
Below is listed the key words from Romans 8:29-30. Take each word and define it biblically before you move on. If you are not sure of the biblical meaning consult a Bible dictionary.





God says very clearly that if he foreknows someone he will predestine that person and he will call that person and justify that person and bring that person into glory! There are no if’s and no buts in this promise. God says He WILL do it.

But let’s play the advocate for a little while. If we can lose our salvation, what do we make of vv29-30? God may still foreknow a person but he cannot predestine that person because his/her ultimate fate is in his/her own hands. God may ordain that this person hears the gospel but that’s all he can predestine. We would have to reduce God to a crystal ball gazing ’god’ who predestines only those whom He sees in his magical ball as continuing in the faith! This is not a good fit with the God of the Bible! If it is, it’s not the god I want to worship.

If we could lose our salvation God could still call people but He has no assurance that those whom He calls will hear and obey the call. He will justify those who respond positively and He will glorify those who persevere. But who are those who will persevere? Only those who have strength and endurance within themselves. Theoretically that number of people could be zero and heaven could be totally empty!

Four out of five of the key elements in this “I can lose my salvation” scenario end up with a huge question mark over them. The outcome becomes human directed rather than God directed. God ends up being a God who has to wait upon mankind and relies on mankind to make right decisions before He can do His bit. Is that really the kind of God you want to worship? Do you and I want to bow down to a god who is dependent upon us and who has to wait for us before he can fulfill His promises? Do we want to worship a god who has to wait for us to reach some level of good works or performance before he can act? I pray that you can give a hearty and confident NO! to each of these questions!

When we read the promise in vv29-30 we read an unequivocal promise to be foreknown, predestined, called, justified and glorified. There are no conditions, no fine print exceptions and no escape clauses. God who is all powerful will do as He has promised. God will be true His Word.

As a believer in Jesus Christ I can rest 100% assured that “...neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

  1. What does it say about God if we can lose our salvation?
  2. What does it say about God if we can’t lose our salvation?

Having read today’s passages, jot down 2 points for each type of prayer.




  • Pray that God would grant you and your fellow believers 100% assurance in Christ and His salvation. Pray that this assurance would bear much fruit and give endurance and perseverance to all the saints you know.
  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in Vietnam as they face persecution and harassment for their faith. Pray that God would grow their assurance and endurance through this tough time and that many would come to the faith through their testimony.

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