Read: Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 6:5-8, Hebrews 11:7
Corruption and Catastrophe
We began our discussion of the Gospel at the creation of a perfect world. A world with no sickness, pain, suffering or death. When we compare this perfect world with our broken reality it quickly starts to seem like a fairytale. What went wrong with this perfect world? Why do we live in such a broken place? To explain this difference we must look at the next C2C card:Corruption.
God gave mankind one big rule in Genesis 2:17. They could eat the fruit of any tree in the perfect garden that God had placed them in with one major exception: they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In an incredible rejection of God's rightful rule, mankind disobeyed God and ate the fruit of this tree. The cards represent this rejection of God's rule with a cross through the crown.
As a result of mankind's rejection of God's rule over creationperfection was lost. God rightly punished mankind and the world for their rejection of Him but, in His grace, did not immediately dish out the full punishment deserved. From this point forward mankind would struggle against temptation and what was once a perfect world became a
negative world. Suffering, pain, struggle and death became the way of things forever. Where once people were happy now they were sad.
After this first corruption there was a continuance of evil, sin and rebellion against God. Mankind became more and more evil. Their crimes against God and each other became more and more horrifying. Genesis 6 tells us that every inclination of man was only for evil all of the time. God could not idly stand by and watch this forever, it was time for judgment. God poured out His righteous judgment on mankind by sending an incredible, worldwide flood.
This hardly seems like good news but even here, at one of mankind's lowest points God provides a way of salvation. God commands Noah to build an ark for the salvation and rescue of Noah and his family as well as two of every kind of animal. Through Noah and his family the human race can continue and God shows His great grace to mankind.
The result of the flood is total renewal of the Earth. God has wiped away the damage and evil that mankind has done and gives them the chance to begin again. God provides to Noah and his family arainbow as a symbol of his promise that never again will He judge the whole world by means of a flood. Through this promise God gives mankind renewed hope that He is at work in the world and is at work to rescue His people.
Discussion Questions for families and groups
- How do people who don't believe in Genesis explain evil and suffering in our world?
- Was God unjust in destroying the world through the flood?
- What does the catastrophe teach us about God, about mankind and about Jesus?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
- Pray by name for those in your workplace who don't know Christ. Pray that God would be at work in each of their hearts to soften them towards Him. Pray that God would give you opportunities to share your faith with them and that He would give you courage and wisdom to take advantage of those opportunities.
- Pray for the women in your congregation including those who are wives, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, single, widowed, young and old. Pray that God would be at work in each of their hearts so that they might grow in their love for Him. Pray that they might serve Him with their whole hearts.
- Pray for the three people you listed above and for an opportunity to share the gospel with them.
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