They say that a woman is most beautiful on her wedding day. This wedding picture is thus an apt description of the scene as the heavenly Jerusalem comes down from heaven. What beauty! What glory! What majesty! What a perfect picture to show that God is finally dwelling with his people. The adage ‘I will be their God and they will be my people’ is finally and completely fulfilled.
From the very beginning of creation God has sought to fill the world with His people—a people that are loved by Him, blessed by Him and intimately close to Him. As the Bible draws to a close this plan is complete fulfilled. Nothing is left undone. Creation has come to its ultimate goal - to be with God in perfect paradise.
Interestingly, amid the description of this wondrous city we are told who won’t be there. The cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, the magicians, those who have idols and liars are among the list of those excluded from this heavenly perfection.
This list should serve as a dire warning for all people in the church. We are commanded to bear fruit that befits our calling (Matt 3:8, Ephesians 4:1 etc). We should never ever ever think that just because we attend church or because we might use the name ‘Christian’ that we are saved and guaranteed of entering into this perfect heavenly city. Our fruit will show where we stand with Christ. If we use the name of Christ but continue unrepentantly to lie or steal or cower away from owning the name of Jesus (and so on) then that fruit will be produced on judgment day as evidence against us.
Those who are saved by the grace of God in the Lord Jesus Christ will bear fruit in accord with their calling. They will mature and develop and repent of sins and grow in holiness and godliness. You simply cannot be a genuine Christian and stand still in your holiness. While we may fall into sin on occasion, the overall pattern is going to be one of upward and outward growth. The Holy Spirit dwelling in each believer will ensure this. It is not an optional extra for Christians!
As the Bible draws to a close we are both encouraged and challenged. We are encouraged that all evil and suffering will be dealt with and done away with. But at the same time we are challenged to assess ourselves to make sure that we are genuinely and assuredly on the narrow road to the heavenly Jerusalem. Are you on the right road?
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
- Why should we self-evaluate to make sure we are on the right road to the heavenly Jerusalem?
- If it’s ok to evaluate self, why is it not ok to evaluate others?
- What should we do if we find out that we might not be on the right road of salvation?
Having read today’s passages, jot down 2 points for each type of prayer.
- Praise God that we can meet tomorrow in relative safety and peace. Pray that we would make the most of this opportunity and worship God acceptably in reverence and awe. Pray that we’d see God powerfully at work in us and through us as we gather together.
- Pray that the work of Creation Ministries will continue to challenge and encourage believers to take the entire Bible, cover to cover, as the infallible & inspired Word of God.
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