Saturday, 12 April 2014

Saturday April 12, 2014

Read Philippians 2:12-13, Hebrews 2:1, 10:26-30.
There are many passages in the Bible, some of which are listed above, that suggest at least on the surface that we can lose our salvation. If we are to maintain the reformed position then we have to deal with these verses. It’s certainly not plausible to entertain the notion that the Bible would say at one point that you are saved for ever and then contradict itself at another point by saying that you can lose your salvation. If my interpretation of a particular verse contradicts another part of the Bible then my interpretation is wrong.

Philippians 2:12-13 balances the equation well. We are commanded to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. But the very next verse tell us that we are to do this because God is at work in us to bring forth His will and His desire in our lives. Think about it in terms of the parable of the four soils. God works in us and grows us to produce fruit. As genuine believers we are to make sure that we are not rocky soil or weedy soil. We are to make sure that the soil is fertile so that the seed can bear fruit 30, 60 or 100 fold of what was sown. We are working out our salvation with fear and trembling even while God is at work in us to will and to act according to His Good purpose.

In this vein we can see Hebrews 2:1 as an encouragement rather than a threat. We are exhorted and urged to pay more careful and thorough attention to the truths we’ve learned so that we do not unnoticeably drift away from God. The person with a good soil heart will want to make sure they are not drifting away. The good soil heart will be encouraged by the exhortation to pay more careful attention to the teachings we received and may even thank the exhorter.

Worship Moment
To work out your salvation with fear and trembling is really a life of worship because this command means asking, ’How shall I live to glorify God?’ This is an easy question in good times but a hard question in tough or bad times. But when we live to glorify God life is worship.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

  1. Why should we work out our salvation with fear and trembling?
  2. A person in the church says to you, “I know that I can’t lose my salvation so I’m going to live it up and look after myself.’ How do you respond?
  3. How would you explain this concept of working out our salvation even though we are eternally saved to a younger teenager?

Having read today’s passages, jot down 2 points for each type of prayer.




  • Pray that God’s Spirit would be active and powerful tomorrow among your congregation as the Word is peached, sung and as prayers are offered up. Pray that God would be greatly glorified through the church.
  • Pray that your church would appropriately focus on Father, Son and Spirit tomorrow and that each worshipper would be drawn nearer to our triune God.

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