Saturday, 26 April 2014

Saturday April 26, 2014

Read: Romans 1:1-7
Paul addresses the Christians who are in Rome those who are ‘loved by God’. Have you ever thought about yourself in that way? You are loved by God! Warts and all you are loved by God. God is not waiting for you to change, to get better, to improve yourself, to be a better Christian or anything else. You are loved by God right here right now!

Worship Moment

A life lived in response to the love of God is a life of worship. How often do you respond to the love of God?
Our love is often conditional and limited. We love those who make us feel good. We love those who support us and help us. We limit our love to those who can love us back and give us something in return. But God’s love is unconditional. You are loved by God. As humbling as it may sound, there is nothing you can do to make God love you or to prove your worth to God. He loves you warts and all. When you accept this and stop fighting against God by trying to prove yourself or earn His love you will be free to live in that love and to enjoy its blessings and abundance.
As a called child of God you are loved by Him! Meditate upon that daily and free yourself from the burden of trying to prove yourself! Free yourself from self hate, self condemnation and the need for self approval by accepting and meditating daily on this truth: You are loved by God.

Discussion Questions for families and groups

  1. A believer asks you how they can experience the love of God. What do you say in response?
  2. How can you keep the love of God in your head/heart daily?
  3. What is the relationship between the love of God and the knowledge of God?


Use today’s readings to write down prayer points
  • Ask the Lord to move powerfully among you and your congregation tomorrow so that each person experiences the love of God. Pray that this would grow and edify the believers and draw those who are distant from God to bow the knee and to confess that Jesus is their Lord.
  • Pray that the Gospel will be powerfully preached in your congregation tomorrow and that God would work powerfully through His Word. Pray that the kingdom would grow as a result of the preaching of the Word.

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