Read: Romans 1:1-4, Psalm 2:1-12
We have seen that Jesus was fully man. He is a descendant of the Great King David and also of Adam, the first human created. But He is not just fully human. He is fully God as well!
The resurrection from the dead declares Jesus to be the Son of God. When we speak of “resurrection” we are using a well worn cliché in the Christian world where as it should be a revolutionary term packed with meaning! Resurrection is different to resuscitation. When someone is resuscitated they are brought back to life as in a resurrection. But unlike a resurrection, a resuscitated person will die again. Jesus, being resurrected, defeated death. He destroyed death and will never die again. He was NOT resurrected as a spirit or a ghost but in bodily form and will live forever as a resurrected body not a spirit or ghost.
Worship Moment
The resurrection of Christ is proof and guarantee that you too will be resurrected. You can praise God and thank God continuously for this. Such hope is the basis of a life of worship.
This resurrection from the dead proves that Jesus is the Son of God. “Son of God” is another Christian cliché that gets bandied around without much thought. When the Bible talks of Jesus as the Son of God it’s referring to the Anointed One. The Hebrew term gives us the word ‘Messiah” or “Christ” in Greek. This Anointed One will be installed as King in Zion over all the nations. He is the one whom the Lord will use to bring judgment and vengeance upon all the peoples of the earth who conspire, plot and rage against the LORD. This Son of God is the one who will dash them to pieces like pottery! This Son is the one to whom the Father will give the nations as His inheritance. He is the one to whom the ends of the earth will be given. He is the one to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, to the glory of God the Father.
The gospel that has been foretold through the ages by the prophets concerns this Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is fully man and fully God.
Discussion Questions for families and groups
- What do you find amazing or incredible about the resurrection of Christ from the dead?
- Can you explain in simple language (say to a 7 year old) the idea that Jesus is fully man and fully God?
- Why did Jesus come into our world as a man? Could we have been saved any other way?
Use today’s readings to write down prayer points
- Ask the Lord to grow our children in their faith, that those who haven’t yet accepted Jesus in their own right would do so and that each of them would be deepened and strengthened in that faith.
- Pray that they would understand the Gospel and that they would be willing to share this Gospel among their peers.
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