Friday, 11 April 2014

Friday April 11, 2014

Read Matthew 22:1-14
There are many parables and bits in the Bible that would be easier to hide and put aside than to honestly and openly deal with. Matthew 22:1-14 is one such parable.

Initially the parable pictures a wedding scene where the bride is ready to come to the festivities. The King sends out the word that all is ready for the celebration but many refuse to come. They make pathetic excuses about their fields and their businesses. They even mistreat and kill the rest of the servants that come out with the invitation. The King judged these murderers and burned their city. Surely the Jews who were listening to Jesus would have sat somewhat enraged knowing that the parable was spoken about them!

But the King then sends the servants out to the highways and by-ways to fill the hall with guests. Both the good and the bad were invited to the celebration. The hall was filled with party goers.

As the King came into the hall he noticed that one of the guests was not wearing the given wedding clothes. Several commentators have suggested that eastern wedding guests were presented with apparel to wear upon arrival at the celebration. The guest without proper attire is parallel to the person who comes into the church on their own terms, with their own conditions and refuses to submit to the Lordship and righteousness of Christ. This guest was confronted by the king and was speechless because he knew the expectation. That man, like the unrepentant people of Israel and the church, was judged and thrown out of the kingdom.

The parable speaks of the judgment of Israel and the judgment of individuals. It has the same message as the parable of the four soils. This time we are encouraged to make sure that we are properly attired (ie in the clothes of Jesus’ righteousness) for the wedding banquet. The parable reminds us that there are in the church people who are not adequately or properly dressed and that they will be thrown out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. The encouragement is not about losing our salvation but to make sure that we are among those who are adequately dressed in the righteousness of Christ.

Witness Moment
Being dressed in the righteousness of Christ is a great witness to the world. When they see you refusing to compromise on your creed or conduct they will be challenged. Some will be challenged and of those some will come to the faith. But be warned! Others may throw stones at you.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

  1. How do you deal with the statement, ‘Not everyone in the church is a Christian and not everyone in the church will go to heaven’.
  2. Why should we make sure that we are properly attired in Jesus’ righteousness as per the parable?
  3. If I am not sure whether or not I am saved, what can I do?

Having read today’s passages, jot down 2 points for each type of prayer.




  • As the youth group meets tonight pray that the leaders would be wise and knowledgeable in teaching the youth. Pray for a deepening of faith in the Christian youth, for conversion of those who are still rejecting Christ and for a renewal in passion for those who may have become apathetic.
  • Pray that our Sonday service will be a great time of worship, celebration and praise to our awesome and majestic God. Pray that He would work powerfully among us as we gather together.

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