Going further. Digging Deeper

Going further. Digging Deeper
Read 2 Chronicles 30
Churches today filled with rules and regulations that are an addition to Scripture even though they are almost always quoted with Scripture. These rules and regulations often take precedence over Scripture and become far more important than Scripture. Some examples might include the following rules
Thou shall sing 4 hymns each Sonday
Thou shall not sing choruses
Drums/electric guitars are banned in church
Children shall stay absolutely quiet in church
Certain areas of church are strictly out of bounds except for the elite.

As you read through 2 Chronicles 30 you realise that something amazing, something of grace and love is happening. Today we study this amazing grace and love thing that happened.

The following questions should help you work through the amazing grace thing that happened.
Discuss the situation at the time of 2 Chronicles 30.
Hezekiah wanted to celebrate the Passover in Israel. What laws do you know of that related to Passover? Compile a list together as a group.
Which laws were broken during the celebration?
Why do you think these laws were broken?

The people, rather than being staunch legalists who attacked each other for breaking rules, treated each other with love and grace. They were understanding and worked together to overcome the issues. And we read in the very last verse of chapter 30 that God heard their prayers.

What issues of staunch legalism have you witnessed in churches?
How do you think our churches across the land would change if love and grace ruled hearts instead of legalism?
Why does legalism have such a hold in so many hearts?
How can we work against this legalism and seek to overwhelm it with grace and love?

Finally, see if your group can write one sentence summarising the relationship between rules/regulations and grace that captures the Old and New Testament love of God.