Read Colossians 1:9-14
When you pray for your brothers and sisters in the Lord I suspect that you think about them, analyse their current situation and pray in the light of what’s happening in their life at present. If they are unwell you probably pray for healing. If they are struggling with an issue you probably pray about that issue being removed. The Apostle Paul does a similar thing but rather than praying for physical and contemporary issues, he prays prayers that reach into eternity.
As Paul begins to pray for the Colossian believers he remembers (vv1-8) that they have a deep love or all the saints. He recalls the great hope that welled up from within and the fruit that the Spirit has borne in their lives. He remembers the love that they have in the Spirit.
It’s for this reason that verse 9 begins with ‘for this reason’. Paul adapts his prayer to suit the life situation of the Colossians. He asks God to fill them with a knowledge of His will. He prays that God would enlighten them through spiritual wisdom and understanding. Such wisdom and understanding are expressed (see v10) through living a life that is worthy of the name “Christian” and that is pleasing to our Lord and Saviour. It shows itself in fruit being borne in every good work that God has called them to do and, somewhat unexpectedly, through growth in the knowledge of God.
Such wisdom and understanding also causes the bearer to be strengthened so as to be able to endure, to be patient and to joyfully give thanks to the Father, even in dire and unpleasant circumstances. Verses 12-14 show the reasons we have for joyful thanks even in non-positive life situations. Whether we are well fed or hungry, accepted or rejected by mankind, in health or sickness God has qualified us “… to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
Several points of interest are worth noting. Firstly when we reflect upon this prayer we realise that praying for an end to any difficult situation is not necessarily the godliest option. God may be using a particular scenario to grow and mature someone in his/her faith. Praying for a cessation of the situation could be praying against the will of God. Secondly, praying for growth in godliness, holiness and love etc is always in line with the will of God. Such growth often occurs in the midst of trial and hardship and brings great joy to the bearer. Also, such prayers, when answered, bring enormous glory to God. Thirdly, prayers such as this one prayed for the Colossians are God centred prayers even though they are prayed for people in particular situations.
As you think about the people in your world consider how you are going to pray for them. As we have already stated there is nothing wrong with praying about physical issues such as health and sickness. But as you consider the life situation of the people in your world, think about how you can be praying prayers of eternal value as well.
Using today’s Bible passage and notes write down points for
· Think of 5 people in your congregation who are struggling at present and pray for them in the light of Colossians 1:9-14.
· Pray for the work of the Reformed Bible College in Myanmar and for the work of Shiloh Church ministries as well.
1. If your congregation is currently praying only for physical needs, how can you help to bring change?
2. What positives come from praying as Paul did in Col 1:9-14 for
the person praying &
the person prayed for?
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