Read Philippians 1:14; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Your first thought as you read the heading today ‘Read Philippians 1:14’ was probably something like, ‘But I read that yesterday! There must be a mistake’. Rest assured there is no mistake. Verse 14 is so filled with golden truth that it deserves another look and a great deal more study.
I sat recently with a Christian friend and shared of a struggle in church I had many years ago. After I finished sharing he was greatly encouraged and blessed. I didn't realise at the time but sharing how God worked in me and through me in that situation blessed my brother because he was currently going through a tough time. He was emboldened and encouraged to continue ministering and serving in his local church because of the way in which God had worked in my own life.
The principle is clearly enunciated in Philippians 1:14.
Philippians 1:14
“Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.”
Paul’s imprisonment has served to encourage the believers throughout the region. Word has spread rapidly that Paul is in chains for the gospel and that through this suffering the gospel is advancing. The principle is relatively simple. God is so sovereign and so majestic that He can and does use our trials and temptations to encourage and bless others. In fact, 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 suggests that a mark of maturity in the Christian life is when we can serve, comfort and bless others by using what God Himself has allowed us to suffer.
Even more particularly, God uses our suffering to enhance and further the spread of the gospel both directly and indirectly. Yesterday we saw the direct result as many in the palace guard knew that Paul was arrested, tried and gaoled for his faith in Christ Jesus. The indirect result is that Christians everywhere have been more emboldened to share the gospel. They have been stirred into action by Paul’s personal suffering.
As we suffer for our faith we should never seek to go underground or to hide away. Even though it’s natural and somewhat desirable to want to hide, God wants to use our suffering both directly and indirectly. God wants to encourage others through what we have endured and because of this we should rejoice. Because of this we should praise God. Because of this we should endure with great confidence.
Added to this, we need to realise that having purpose in pain brings a whole new dimension. Suffering without purpose, which is what all other world views have to offer us, is demeaning and heart breaking. Suffering without purpose removes all hope and creates a hollow emptiness inside the suffering. But the Christian never suffers without purpose. The Christian never suffers in isolation of meaning and value. Suffering, through God’s sovereignty, serves to advance the gospel and to encourage the brotherhood of believers.
As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ you can approach even the hardest times of life with patience, endurance and even with great joy because of what God is doing both in you and through you. You can rejoice because through your suffering the gospel is advancing.
Using today’s Bible passage and notes write down points for
· As you think about the people in your congregation who are suffering, ask the Lord to reveal to them the good that He is working in and through them. Pray that there would be a spirit of encouragement and joy building up in them as they see the Lord at work.
· Pray this for the Chinese House Church leaders who have been imprisoned for their faith and who are suffering greatly in gaol and in labour camps.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What is a biblical response to suffering?
2. How can we find joy in suffering?
3. What role do our Sonday services have in producing joy in suffering?
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