Thursday, 17 April 2014

Thursday April 17, 2014

Read Mark 14:43-15:15

If the events that happened to Jesus on the eve of the first Easter happened in any court of law today, the case would be immediately thrown out of court.
Jesus is falsely arrested without any charge by a mob of ruffians sent by the religious leaders. He is betrayed by a ’friend’ who let’s the crowd know that the man to be arrested is the one he kisses. Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss!

Clearly the Roman officials and the crowd could not pick out Jesus from the crowd. He had committed no offense against them and most of them couldn't even identify Him in the police line up! No court would allow this today!

When Jesus was hauled off, the Sanhedrin was illegally convened before business hours and they clearly had a preconceived agenda. Notice verse 55! They were looking for a reason to try Him and convict Him. He was arrested without any clear charge or evidence. They had even pre-decided that He deserved the death penalty. All they had to do was work out the charge! Even if the worst criminal today received this kind of treatment people would be up in arms because of the injustice!

Witnesses were called but they were blatantly guilty of perjury. No lawful court should or could accept their testimony. They even had conflicting stories. The case should have been thrown out immediately.
But this kangaroo court continued to hop along.

The only ‘crime’ Jesus committed was to admit to the High Priest’s question that he was the Messiah, the Son of Man who will sit at the right hand of God the Almighty. For this, the jury returned the fastest guilty verdict in the history of mankind. They agreed that death was the only suitable penalty. To add injury to insult, Jesus was spat on, blindfolded, struck, mocked and beaten.

But only the Governor could dish out the death penalty so they brought Jesus to Pilate. The fact that he was available well before reasonable “business hours” and that he was willing to hear a case so early in the morning would suggest background wheeling and dealing by the religious heavies. Would a modern day court of law allow the case to continue if the legal eagles and the judge had already colluded and come to some decision?

After hearing from the accusers Pilate asks Jesus if he is the king of the Jews. Very few rule books consider being a king to be a crime worthy of the death sentence. Again Jesus should have been immediately freed. But he wasn’t.

Jewish custom dictated that the governor could release one criminal to the Jews to placate them. To the innocent observer Jesus would have been a natural choice but because of the hostility of the crowd and the influence of the biased leaders Pilate was compelled to release Barabbas - a convicted murderer!

Jesus, in all his innocence, was condemned by the crowd (and eventually by Pilate himself) to be crucified.

Yet for all this injustice we read in Acts 4:27-28
Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. 28They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen.

God’s perfect and infallible will was in play. God’s plan had not been thwarted or perverted. God would allow His own Son to be sacrificed as a perfect substitute for you and I. Hallelujah!

Having read today’s passages, jot down 2 points for each type of prayer.




ª Pray that God would bring many people to your services over Easter and that He would allow many to understand that Jesus was punished on their behalf and offers them the full and complete forgiveness of God.
ª Pray that those who preach will be bold, clear and simple in their proclamation of the Gospel. Pray for many conversions.

Worship Moment –  Spontaneous worship often leads to mindless repetition. Real worship takes thought, planning and preparation.  For any given Sonday church meeting each individual needs to assess their internal state and to confess sins, repent of attitudes etc and come to God with a great expectation of meeting with Him. Those involved in the service need to plan the service in a way that will bless and edify the worshippers. There is much preparation at many different levels. Mindless repetition is not worship and is never glorifying to God.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. In what ways can you prepare for meeting God on any given Sonday?
2. Should Easter be any different? Check out Romans 14:5 first.
3. How can families prepare together for “worship” at church?

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