Thursday, 15 May 2014

Thursday 15 May 2014

Read: Nahum 1:1-8
What do you think of when you think of Ninevah? If you remember your Sonday school well you will probably think of Jonah being swallowed by a whale (or sea monster!) after running from God. Eventually Jonah is brought back into obedience and he goes to Ninevah to preach a message of God's impending judgment towards the Ninevites. They respond with repentance and seek God's forgiveness for their sins. God shows grace to the Ninevites and Jonah is left grumpy at the end of the book because he wanted to see God destroy this wicked city instead of show grace. The End. For some reason (maybe it's the whales...) this account tends to be one of our favourite Bible stories for kids.

Walk Moment

Verse 3 says that the Lord is slow to anger. That slowness is meant to bring you to repentance. Don't delay, repent today.
But wait, there's more! Did you know that's not actually the end of the story? About 100 years later Ninevah has slid back into its evil ways and God causes another prophesy to be made. The Ninevites have continued in their sin and God is about to judge them for their wickedness.
Verses 1-8 spell out the full nature and wrath of our God and do not bode well for the wicked, violent Ninevites. Notice some of the words used to describe God here: jealous, avenging, filled with wrath, slow to anger and great in power. God is rightly and justly furious with the Ninevite people for their sin. Verse 3 clearly answers the question we have been asking this week: "The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished."

Discussion Questions for families and groups

  1. Why should we always include mercy when we talk about God's judgment?
  2. Why should we always include judgment when we talk about God's mercy?
  3. In verses 1-8 of Nahum what mercy do you see?
Does God judge people for their sin? Yes, no doubt about it.
But even here, in a truly terrifying passage about our good God, there is hope for God's people. Have a look at verse 7. For those who sin against Him and do not repent God is bringing fierce, uncompromising, total judgment but for those who trust in Him He is a refuge, He is good and He cares for them. God absolutely judges mankind for their sin but for those who turn to Him He shows grace, love and mercy through Jesus Christ. Praise God!


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for Christians around the world who are confused by false doctrine and deny God's judgment and justice. Pray that God would guide them by His Holy Spirit and help them to study His word. Pray that they might stand up against false teaching and faithfully declare the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray for those around Queensland who are studying to equip themselves for ministry in the church. Pray that God would strengthen them and encourage them by His spirit. Pray that He would reveal His word to them and guide them in their studies so that they would serve others sacrificially and preach the Gospel faithfully.

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