Read Romans 3:9-19
It dings our pride to talk about sin but even more so, it hurts us to talk about ourselves and our loved ones in the same sentence as sin. We like to think of ourselves and our loved ones as being ‘good people’. In fact, this sin problem hurts so much and is so distasteful that we can find ourselves comparing ourselves to others thinking that we are ‘good people’ because we don’t live or act like them. Our bench mark has conveniently moved from the Word of God to the way others act. We feel justified in thinking of ourselves as ‘good people’. Some churches are so disgusted by this sin problem that they refuse to mention or talk about sin. Their sermons are froth and bubble, lovey-dovey, feel good sermons based around the ‘God is love’ idiom.
Paul bursts this bubble in verse 9. He asks if we (probably a reference to Jewish nation in general) are any better and resoundingly concludes ‘No, not at all!’ All peoples, Jew and Gentile alike, are under the problem of sin. No one has or can escape the issue of sin.
To make his point, Paul uses the Old Testament and introduces wave after wave of Old Testament quotation. In verses 10-12 he quotes Psalm 14:1-3, Psalm 53:1-3 and Ecclesiastes 7:20. In verse 13 he quotes Psalm 5:9 and Psalm 140:3. In verse 14 he quotes Psalm 10:7. In verse 15-17 he uses Isaiah 59:7-8 and finishes with Psalm 36:1. Paul is not just showing off his Old Testament knowledge. What he’s doing is overwhelming the readers with Old Testament proof that every person - Jew and Gentile alike - is under the power of sin and needs rescuing from the consequences of sin.
Verse 19 holds out the conclusion - the whole world is silenced and everyone will be held accountable to God. No one can escape the all-seeing eye of God and no one has any excuse for their sinfulness and rebellion against God.
We started by stating that talking about our sin dings our pride. That is true. We need to realise that talking about our sin is only half the discussion. The rest of the discussion focuses on the love of God and how much He did for us at Calvary in Christ Jesus. The full discussion humbles us and causes us to realise that we are immensely loved even though we don’t deserve that love. Growth away from the sin problem comes as we focus on the cross with full recognition of our sinfulness.
Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:
¥ Pray that Sonday’s church service will glorify God and edify the believers. Pray that there would be a growing recognition of the sin problem and that people would turn to the cross and focus on it. Ask God to grow your church’s love for Him, understanding of His grace and mercy and that the church would respond appropriately to that love shown in Christ Jesus.
¥ Pray that the youth would grow in appreciation and understanding of that love as they meet tonight and study the Word together. Pray that each youth group member would understand and grow in the love of Christ.
Witness Moment:
When unbelieving people are not told about the sin problem they really have no reason to come to God. Those who do come to God might come to Him for wrong reasons. Talking about sin is vital in our gospel sharing.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Why do you think Paul uses so many Old Testament quotes in Romans 3:10-18?
2. What would be a gentle and loving way to respond to a non believer who says that they are a good person and that they don’t need religion because they’ve never done anything really bad?
3. What can you do to help a believer who is loaded down with guilt about past sins?
Discipleship Moment For Girls
When you love someone you can show that love in your head (in the way that you think about that person), in your heart (the way that you feel towards that person) and in your hands (the way that you treat that person). Faith in Jesus is the same. It affects our head, heart and hands.
Share: how your head, heart and hands are involved in loving Jesus.
Read James 2:14-26
Can you find evidence of faith in the head, heart and hands in this passage?
What is God saying about faith in this passage in terms of the head, heart an and hands?
Can you summarise James 2:14-26 in your own words?
Pray: for a growing and deepening faith that is in your head, heart and hands.
The best athletes, soldiers and sports men are those who use their head (in the way that they think), their heart (the way that they feel) and their hands (the way that they act). Faith in Jesus is the same. It requires our head, heart and hands.
Share: how your head, heart and hands are involved in loving and serving Jesus.
Read James 2:14-26
Can you find evidence of faith in the head, heart and hands in this passage?
What is God saying about faith in this passage in terms of the head, heart an and hands?
Can you summarise James 2:14-26 in your own words?
Pray: for a growing and deepening faith that is in your head, heart and hands.
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