Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Read: Romans 1:21-23
We modern, civilised people like to scoff and laugh at the idea of people worshipping an idol. With a typically western air of superiority we like to look down our noses as those who would bow down and worship an inanimate object. We wholeheartedly agree with Paul that it would only be fools who would exchange the glory of the only true God to worship images of created things.

Worship Moment

Each and every day we can glorify God as God and give thanks to Him. Worship is a lifestyle not a Sonday morning activity.
But maybe we are not as wise as we think. Whilst we don't bow down to worship sculpted wood or stone we tend to have our own, sometimes more subtle idols. We make an idol of money, chasing after it with all our energy, willpower and hearts going to drastic lengths to obtain it. We make an idol of science and the human mind, deceiving ourselves by thinking that we could know and understand everything. We make an idol of sex and pleasure with billions of dollars being spent worldwide on the pursuit of fleeting satisfaction. We make idols of celebrities, television programs, sports, and other entertainment, spending hours worshipping through the TV, the internet or the magazine. We make idols of shiny new phones, computers, cars and just about anything else we can get our hands on.
Paul's words to the Romans ring just as true today as they did 2,000 years ago. We too deny God and become foolish and futile in our thinking. We knowingly worship created things instead of bringing glory to the all powerful creator. We trade the glory of the almighty, immortal God for our own images and created things and in doing so we too become foolish while claiming to be wise. Each of us deserve the wrath of God for our rebellion and idolatry.

Discussion Questions for families and groups

Think about your coworkers, your family or your friends.
  1. What are the idols that they worship?
  2. How can you confront their idols and share the gospel with them?
  3. What idols do you see within the Christian world?
  4. How can we be removing idols from within the church?


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Praise God that He has worked in our hearts that we can acknowledge Him and turn from worthless idols. Pray that God would be at work in the hearts of those around you who don't know Christ. Pray that He would open their eyes to how dissatisfying and worthless their idols truly are and that they might turn to worship Him.
  • Pray for the Presbyterian churches on the Darling Downs. Pray that God would be at work in each and every church. Pray that He would strengthen and encourage the ministers and elders in each church. Pray that God would give each and every member and leader a great passion to love His body, serve one another and share the good news.

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