Coming Up: Sonday June 1 2014
Romans 3:1-20. The Sin Problem.
Read Exodus 19:1-7
Action movies generally always have the same plot. The star or hero is confronted with a problem, decides a course of action and after much fighting and crashing and blowing up of things, he or she overcomes the original issue. Often, if our hero is a male figure, he’ll get the girl and live happily ever after - at least until the sequel anyway.
In the Bible God is the hero even though He may at times choose to work through human individuals and nations. By Exodus 19 the fight scene has already screened. Pharaoh challenged Yahweh to a ten round ’winner take all’ bout and in a dramatic and action packed battle, Pharaoh was knocked to the canvas. God struck Pharaoh with three triple punch plagues and with his tenth plague delivered the knockout punch. Pharaoh was down and out and the Hebrews were freed from cruel bondage.
God brought the Hebrew people to Himself and formed them into a nation, the nation we call Israel. His plan was to use them to bring grace and salvation to the entire world. But before He could send them out to rescue the world, He had to show them how they should live to be distinct and different to the world. He had to mould them so that the world would listen to them. Sometimes in our own lives God has to prepare us so that others will listen to us. These times are often tough or painful but will yield much fruit in the near future.
According to God’s plan, Israel would be a kingdom of priests - they would mediate God’s grace and salvation to the entire world. If the nation were the priests then the globe was their parish and they were to take God’s grace to the four corners of the globe.
Israel was also to be a holy nation. She was to be different. She was to stand out and shine brightly in a way that no other nation shone.
But would this nation live up to her calling? Would Israel minister the grace of God to the rest of the world? This week as we look at The Sin Problem we’ll find out the answer to this vital question and see how The Sin Problem affects not just Israel but us as well. But don’t despair - The antidote to the sin problem is coming up very soon.
Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:
¥ Pray for the people in your life that you would love to see come to faith in Christ Jesus. Pray that God would give you opportunities to share the gospel with them this week and to invite them to church this coming Sonday.
¥ Pray that the Committee of Management in your church would be filled with a love for God and a deep desire to grow His kingdom with the funds and resources that God has given you as a church. Pray that God would grow your congregation through this Committee’s work.
Being holy doesn’t turn you into a prude or ‘religious nerd’. It makes you different. Those who persecute you for being different are threatened by you. Don’t stop living a life of worship because of them.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Imagine a young teenager asked you what sin was. How would you answer her?
2. What was the role of a Priest in the Old Testament? What does the New Testament say about priests?
3. In what way does sin affect our human priesthood?
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