Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Wednesday May 28, 2014

Read Romans 1:16-17, 2:9, 3:1-4

Who is more guilty?  A small child about 5 years old sees a blue tablet on the table and decides to swallow it, thinking it’s a lolly. A teenager is handed a blue tablet by his peers and after much provocation swallows it. The tablet turns out to be an ecstasy tablet and the teenager in question knew very well what it was. Who is more guilty?

As Paul reaches the climax of his main point in Romans 1-3 he has to ask what advantage the Jews have if they too (see chapter 2) are under the power and problem of sin. The privilege, he tells us, is immense. The Jews have been given no less than the very Word of God. They have been blessed with the immense privilege of being given the Word of the Lord God Almighty! Like our teenager, they too knew what was given to them. They had a responsibility, a task, a job to do and they refused to do it. Like the rest of the world, Israel also fell short of meeting God’s standard but they did it with knowledge of God’s standard and desires (aka the Law or Torah).

Having been given this knowledge, Israel has proven to be “more” guilty by her fall. As we inherently know, those who have more knowledge have more expected of them. That’s why we keep reading that phrase, ‘first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.’ They were offered salvation first and because of their refusal to submit to God, they will be judged first.

God expects us to live according to our knowledge. God  teaches us and grows us and deepens our knowledge of Himself and His word over time and through that knowledge we grow in holiness and righteousness. The Bible uses the word sanctification to describe this process. Those church people who decry knowledge and want only heart stuff and experience have really missed the boat! You cannot grow in holiness without a prior growth in knowledge of God and that happens primarily by learning the Word of God.

But even so, on the Day of Judgement God will be proven right when He speaks and He will prevail when He judges, even if some are shown not to have faith. God will neither be mocked nor made a liar. He will be just and perfect in all His judgements. What a great incentive for us to learn more about God and to put that knowledge into practice.

Given today’s reading jot down your own prayer points:



¥ Pray that the cell or home groups in your church would be growing in knowledge of God and wisdom. Pray that this growth would lead to a deeper connection among the members and also in a growing desire to be holy and righteous in all things.
¥ Pray that each and every believer in your church would be immersed in the Word of God and would be growing in love, in depth of knowledge and understanding and also in their ability to be holy in all things. Pray that this holiness would draw many into Christ in repentance and faith especially those who come to your church but haven’t committed their lives to Christ.

 Word Moment:
As you read a book of the Bible keep an eye out for repetition. It’s not that God has writer’s block. He’s emphasizing something to make a point. Check out the repetition of words, phrases etc and be clued into what God is saying.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Considering Australian society and our laws, can you think of areas where the principle of “the more you know the more responsible you are” is and isn’t applied. Is it fair or not to apply this principle to the law? Explain your answer.
2.  Can you think of other passages that teach or apply today’s principle?
3. A Christian once said, ‘If God asks more of me when I learn more then I am happy to remain ignorant.’ What is a biblical response to this?

Discipleship Moment For Girls

Intro: When we are let down by our friends and family it really hurts, doesn’t it. Can you think of a time where you have been let down?

Share: Your own experience of being let down and how you dealt with it.

Read Psalm 41.
How do you think the Psalmist felt when he was let down by his friends?
The Psalm talks about Jesus and the way he was betrayed by Judas. How do you think Jesus felt when let down?
What can we do, according to the Psalm, when we re let down?

Pray together;  Ask God to strengthen you in times when you are let down so that you are able to keep loving that person. 
 Discipleship Moment For Boys

Intro: In battle a good army unity keeps watch over each other. Real life threatening danger occurs when one soldier doesn’t keep watch over the others. Team work is essential.

Share: Your own experience of being let down in a team situation.
Read Psalm 41.
How do you think the Psalmist felt when he was let down by his friends?
The Psalm talks about Jesus and the way he was betrayed by Judas. How do you think Jesus felt when let down?
What can we do, according to the Psalm, when we are let down?
Pray together;  Ask God to strengthen you in times when you are let down so that you are able to keep loving that person. 

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