Saturday, 3 May 2014

Saturday 3 May 2014

Read: John 3:18, Romans 1:16-17


C2C - Consider
Every time we read about the Apostles preaching the Gospel they make a call for the hearer to respond. The gospel is not just a nice story to be heard or information to be understood. The gospel requires a response from those who hear. When we hear the good news we have a choice. We can either reject the good news of Jesus Christ and choose to face God's judgment, or we can put our faith in Him and His work on our behalf.
When we share the Gospel with others it is important that we put this challenge before them also. Now that they have heard about what God has done they have a choice. The Consider card will help you to put this challenge before them.
You might say something like this: "Now that you have heard the Gospel it is time to consider yourself. If Jesus were to come back or you were to die now where would you stand before God? Would you face His righteous and just judgment for the way you have lived your life? Or will you be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus? Will your sins be covered by His blood? Will you choose to let Him be your King or will you try to remain king over your own life? Today, you need to decide. What will you do with this news?
"If you would like to accept what Christ has done on your behalf and be covered by His sacrifice you need to Repent from you sin, turn to God and believe. Would you like to accept what God has done for you and pray with me today?"
Jesus' words in John 3:18 provide great comfort to those who accept Him and what He has done for us. "Whoever believes in Him is not condemned." However those who do not accept Him stand condemned before God and will be judged for their sin.
If you haven't made this decision before then today is your chance. Tomorrow may be too late... Will you accept the good news of Jesus Christ? Will you put your faith in Him alone for your salvation? Will you submit your life to Him as your King?
How can you put your faith in Jesus as your King? STAY prayer. Make sure you tell elders and pastors of a church.
If you have made that decision for Christ will you share the Gospel and challenge people to accept what God has done? This is an urgent message that all men, women and children need to hear. Will you share the good news of life with those who are perishing? Will you share Jesus with those in your workplace who are totally lost without Him? Are you willing to boldly proclaim the good news to your family and friends who will stand before God condemned for their sin? Will you confront them with the need to consider the Gospel? Can you declare with Paul that you are not ashamed of the gospel?

Discussion Questions for families and groups

The judgment day is not a weighing up of your good and bad deeds.
  1. Discuss this statement as a group.
  2. Imagine that someone says to you: "I'm not a bad person, I'll be okay on judgment day." How do you respond?
  3. How can you be sure that you have considered your relationship with God accurately?


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray that God would give you great boldness and passion to share the good news with others. Pray that He would give you opportunities to share Him today. Pray that you would have boldness and courage to take advantage of those opportunities and to challenge people to accept Christ. Pray that He would give you wisdom and clarity of thought so that you might be able to share the Gospel clearly. And pray that He would go before you to prepare hearts so that they might come to faith in Him.
  • Pray for the gathering of God's people around the world tomorrow. Pray that the Gospel would be preached with great power and authority. Pray that God would change many hearts and that many would come to know Him for the first time. Pray that God's people would grow in their passion to share the good news with others.
  • Pray for the three people you listed above and for an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

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