Saturday, 17 May 2014

Saturday 17 May 2014

Read: Revelation 20:11-15
Scripture records one final judgment in Revelation 20. This is the judgment to end all judgments. After this judgment never again will the effects of sin affect mankind or the Earth. Never again will man rebel against God or require God's just judgment. Never again will sickness, sin and death have any hold or affect over mankind. This is it.

Walk Moment

1 Peter 3:15 tells us to set apart Christ as Lord in our hearts. If you do this daily you will be ready to speak up and stand up for Christ when you need to.
This judgment is total and complete. God sits on His great white throne ready to judge. Even the Earth and sky flee from His presence. The dead are raised to life to stand before God and receive His judgment. Every person who has ever lived, is living or will ever live will stand before God and give an account for everything they have done in their lives. Every little detail will be mentioned. Every little sin, every careless word and every secret thought will be judged by the Holy King of Kings.
The penalty for these sins is to be separated from God and sent away to eternal punishment, suffering and torment in the lake of fire. There are so many references to this kind of suffering in scripture it seems laughable to try to explain it away. God will visit eternal, conscious punishment on those who are judged on that day. Does God judge and punish people for their sin? Yes.
Even here there is hope and God provides a way for salvation. Those whose name is found in the book of life are made right by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus. God demonstrates His grace to His people by providing a way of salvation for them through His son. Rather than go to eternal separation from God they go to dwell with God forever. Rather than go to eternal conscious torment they go to be with Jesus in the new Heavens and the New Earth forever and ever. God provides a way of salvation for His people.
This provides for us an incredible, twofold challenge. Firstly, will you accept the free gift of Christ and trust in Him as your absolute and only way of salvation? When judgment day comes will your name be found in the book of life because of what He has done? Or will you face eternal punishment for your sin against an eternal God?

Discussion Questions for families and groups

  1. How can a person know for certain that they will be saved on judgment day?
  2. What hope does the knowledge of judgment day give us now?
  3. What criteria will God use to judge on judgment day?
  4. How can God condemn people for their deeds and yet save them apart from their deeds?
Secondly, if you truly believe that God is coming to judge the living and the dead, and that all those who are apart from Christ will face this judgment forever, will you be urgent and passionate in the way that you share this news with others? Will you be bold in proclaiming Jesus as the only way of salvation and His sacrifice as the only sufficient payment for sin? Time is short, will you share Him?


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for your church tomorrow as your gather together. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be working in your heart and the hearts of all in the congregation to prepare you to hear His word. Pray that He would be guiding those who are leading and teaching so that they would be faithful to His word and bold in their proclamation of the Gospel.
  • Pray for the gathering of believers all around the world tomorrow. Pray that the gospel would be boldly, clearly and passionately preached wherever God's people gather. Pray that they would grow in their love for Him and their love for one another.

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