Thursday, 22 May 2014

Thursday 22 May 2014

Read: Matthew 23:25-36
The Pharisees prided themselves on the fact that they were 'holy'. They went to great lengths to ensure that they were seen by others as holy. When they fasted they would make themselves look extra hungry. When they tithed they would openly bring a tenth of the spices from their pantries. They insisted that others refer to them with honourable titles like Rabbi or Teacher. They prided themselves on their outward holiness and the honour given to them by others.

Witness Moment

Many people consider themselves to be basically good and that they won't have any problems if they ever face God to give an account for what they have done. How can you correct them in a loving way?
Jesus words to these Pharisees in Matthew 23 must have horrified them. Jesus begins by likening the Pharisees to dirty dishes that have clean outsides but inside are full of greed and self-indulgence. As if that's not enough Jesus goes on to describe them as whitewashed tombs that look beautiful on the outside but inside are only full of death and decay. To others the Pharisees appear righteous but on the inside they are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Jesus' words reveal to us a lot about true holiness. The Pharisees believed that they were holy before God because of their outward actions. It seems that they believed that they could fool God into thinking that they were holy just like they fooled everyone else. Jesus revealed that the holiness that God truly cares about is not outward but inward. God cares about the heart. One can look totally clean and holy on the outside and yet be totally dead and lost in sin in their heart.
This message is especially relevant in today's age. Many people, including Christians, consider themselves to be basically good people. They haven't murdered anybody. They haven't cheated on their spouse. They have even mostly kept God's commands as they see them. What they don't see is that they are totally broken and lost on the inside. Even Christians battle the temptation to indulge in secret sin while looking outwardly holy and righteous. Sometimes we even judge others for the sins that we commit in secret. At times we hold a different standard for others than we do for ourselves, excusing our actions/words but condemning the actions/words of others. Sin is not only our external actions but our thoughts and feelings as well. God desires that people be holy on both the outside and the inside. Anything less than this isn't holy at all. If we take that seriously then we are all unholy. But in Christ we have the power to avoid this kind of pharisaical hypocrisy.

Discussion Questions for families and groups

Imagine that someone points out that you've acted hypocritically in a particular situation.
  1. How would you normally respond?
  2. What is a biblical way to respond?
  3. If you realise that another Christian is acting hypocritically how should you approach them?


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for those in your life who think that they are right before God without Christ. Pray that they would be convicted of their sin and that the Holy Spirit would soften their hearts to hear His word. Pray that God would give you opportunities to share the gospel with them and give you courage to take advantage of them.
  • Pray for the Elders in your church. Pray that God would fill them with His spirit and give them wisdom and understanding as they seek to lead the church. Pray that they would be filled with love and compassion for the congregation and that they would seek to serve the church faithfully.

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