Coming Up: Sonday 11 May 2014
Good Or Bad By Nature?
Romans 1:18-32
Read: Romans 1:18-20
In 2013 Astrophysicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow published a book titled The Grand Design. In their book the authors aggressively attempt to prove that God is not necessary for the universe to exist or be sustained. In their own words: "the universe can create itself out of nothing and God is no longer necessary."
Witness Moment
Did you realise that the grandeur of the universe and the magnificence of creation is enough to open the door for sharing the Gospel? Romans 1:20 assures us that God is revealed by what He has made.
Despite making a living out of studying our incredible universe and seeking to understand all the intricate details that make our existence possible the authors are determined to remove God from the picture. They admit that the universe is finely tuned for life but try to explain it away using chance and baseless modern theories. They say that the universe could appear out of nothing but in fact assume that the laws and constants that are necessary for this to even be possible already exist. Despite all the holes in their arguments they are absolutely determined to deny God.
This denial is nothing new. Two thousand years ago Paul wrote that people have been doing the same thing ever since the creation of the world. God's creation is so incredible that all mankind can see God's power and His divine nature. One merely needs to consider the sheer size of the universe, the quantity of stars, the intricate design of plants and animals, the mind-boggling array of colours in a sunset or the splendour of a mountain range. The only reasonable response to these things is to see God and His glorious creativity.
Discussion Questions for families and groups
Imagine that someone at work tells you that they have just read this incredible book that explains God is not necessary for the world to exist.
- How would you share the Gospel with this person?
Despite how plainly God has shown Himself in creation men and women still seek to deny Him. Paul says that these people actively and wickedly suppress the truth. In their rebellion against God they see the truth of His existence and nature and deliberately ignore it. In every person there is a tiny government coverup, disregarding the truth, inventing 'cover stories' and choosing to continue in rebellion and sin.
No one has any excuse before God. No one can stand before Him as judge and say, "but I didn't know!" Paul's teaching is clear: God has revealed Himself to all men, those who don't acknowledge Him are actively suppressing the truth and rebelling against Him.
Note: For a Christian response to The Grand Design go to
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
- Praise God for His incredible creation and that He has made Himself evident through all that He has made. Take a moment to pray for Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow and all those who have been influenced by their work. Pray that God would soften their hearts and help them to see who He is. Pray that they might see their brokenness and put their faith in Christ.
- Pray for some of the other churches in your town, by name if possible. Pray that the gospel would be boldly and faithfully preached through all the activities of the church. Pray that those in leadership would be strengthened and encouraged as they seek to humbly serve the church. Pray that the people in the churches would be filled with a passion and desire to reach those who are lost
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