Read: Matthew 19:1-9
In 2011 there were 48,935 divorces issued across Australia. I wonder how many of these divorces occurred due to a spoiled dinner? It may seem like a silly question but this was actually the debate going on amongst the Pharisees at the time they came to Jesus. There were two main schools amongst the Pharisees in relation to divorce. One group argued that divorce was only allowed in the case of sexual immorality, the other group argued that a man could divorce his wife even if she spoiled a dish for him. There is no way to know any divorce statistics in Israel at the time Jesus was on earth but, if the Pharisees had this attitude, I imagine the rate would be very high!
In Matthew 19 the Pharisees come to Jesus to trap Him in their debate but Jesus, in His typical style, deftly avoids their trap and turns the situation around. By beginning with the origin of marriage in God Himself, Jesus takes the Biblical standard for marriage, remarriage and divorce to its intended conclusion: that divorce on any grounds except for those outlined in Scripture will result in adultery.
Imagine the horror and offence of the Pharisees at Jesus’ teaching. How many of them had become adulterers because of a spoiled dish? Jesus’ teaching leaves us no room to negotiate on the subject of divorce. Clearly divorce and remarriage on any ground except for those outlined in scripture are sinful.
What does this mean for us? Firstly, for anyone who has had a divorce and has remarried this passage can be particularly difficult. We must remember that our response to being shown our sin before God is to repent of our sin, to turn to God for the forgiveness that we can find in Jesus Christ and to trust that because of what Christ has done on our behalf we are forever pardoned for our sin.
Secondly, we must understand from this passage the immense priority and importance which God places on marriage. As followers of Jesus we are required to view marriage as God views marriage and to fight to protect it.
If marriage is so important how are you guarding your marriage? What are you doing to fight to protect and, if need be, save your marriage? If you are not yet married what can you do now to prepare for and protect your future marriage?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Pray for those in government who are making decisions about marriage and families in Australia. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they make decisions about families and that they would keep the best interests of children in mind as they make their decisions. Pray that God would give them courage to make the best decision even if it is unpopular.
¥ Pray for all the students who are studying at university here in Toowoomba or elsewhere. Pray that God would give them focus and wisdom as they study and that they would be a good witness to those around them. Pray that they would persist and be strengthened in their faith despite secular influences on them.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What do you think is the attitude in our culture towards divorce? Give examples.
2. What should be a Christian attitude towards marriage? How would this look in our culture?
3. Considering this passage what should be our response to a Christian person who has had a divorce?
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