Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Tuesday, March 26 2013

Read: Isaiah 53:1-10, Matthew 27:11-26

I remember breaking my leg when I was 11 years old. Boy did I scream! I can remember lying on the bitumen in the car park screaming as loud as I could. In fact looking back over my life there are very few times when I have been injured and not said anything about it.


The account of Jesus’ trial, suffering and death is different, however. We don’t see Jesus’ complaining about His suffering. We don’t see Jesus rush to His own defence when His enemies make false accusations and we don’t ever see Him blame God for what is happening to Him. The prophet Isaiah predicted this in Isaiah 53:7 when he says that Jesus is oppressed and afflicted and yet did not open His mouth. Jesus was silent like a sheep before its shearers.


Take a moment to marvel at the grace and humility of Christ on our behalf. We suffer by accident or by our own mistakes and faults and we complain. Christ suffered for the misdeeds of others and is humble and gracious enough to remain silent. Next time that you hurt yourself and cry out or rush to your own defence against your accusers take a moment to praise God for His suffering on your behalf.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.










¥ Take a moment to praise God that He silently and graciously took your punishment on Himself. Pray that He would help you to respond to suffering and attacks with the same humility and grace which He had.

¥ Pray for Easterfest coming up this weekend. Pray that the Gospel would be proclaimed by every artist on every stage and that many would come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.


My Additional Prayer Points.





Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Re-read Isaiah 53:1-10. From these verses take some time to pray together and praise God for what He has done on your behalf.

2. Considering how Jesus reacted to the accusations and attacks of His enemies, how should we react when we undergo suffering?


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