Friday, 8 March 2013

Friday March 8

Read: 1 Corinthians 7:10-16, 1 Peter 3:1-7

“Tertullian (160–230AD), the theologian of Carthage, wrote about heathen husbands being angry with their Christian wives because they wanted to kiss martyrs’ bonds, embrace Christians, and visit the cottages of the poor.”


Ever since the first century Christians have had to deal with the difficulties of  having a non-Christian spouse. Although the practical details of the struggles have changed (I don’t know many Christian’s who are kissing martyrs’ bonds) the difficulties associated with these situations have not changed. Fortunately God has provided specific guidance for those who find themselves in this situation.


Paul’s words in today’s passage from 1st Corinthians are fairly straightforward and easy to understand. However two things deserve special attention. Firstly, God provides for desertion by an unbelieving spouse as a Biblical ground for divorce. Paul tells us that the reason behind this provision is that God has called us to live in peace. If you have been in this situation and your unbelieving spouse has left you, take comfort in the fact that God desires that you live in peace and you are no longer bound to that marriage.


The second item that deserves special attention is even more important. Despite God allowing desertion by an unbelieving spouse it is not required or compulsory. Rather Paul (and Peter in 1st Peter) encourages the believing spouse to live with their spouse in such a way that the gospel is proclaimed and the unbeliever may come to faith in Christ.


If you are married to an unbeliever spend time today praying for their salvation and praying that God would help you to be a witness to them. Consider the words of Peter and Paul in today’s readings and how you might be able to practically apply them to your situation. How can you be a good witness to your spouse?




Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Praise God for the salvation that you have in Jesus Christ and that you have come to faith in Jesus Christ by His mercy and choosing. Pray for those Christians all over the world who are married to non-Christians. Pray that God would grant them strength and patience and that they would be a witness to their spouse.

¥ Pray for GRUNT and Girl Chat as they gather together this afternoon in order to deepen their faith in Jesus and to encourage each other. Pray that God would continue to raise up young men and women who are passionate about their faith. Pray that God would help them to grow in holiness and faith and that they would be challenged to share their faith with others.


My Additional Prayer Points.






Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. According to today’s passages how does a Christian spouse win over a non-Christian spouse?

2. Practically how could you support a fellow believer who is married to a non-believe? Is there anyone you know who you could do those things to support?


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