Saturday, 30 March 2013

Saturday, March 30 2013

Read: Luke 24:1-12, Romans 6:5-14

How do we know it’s all true? Is our faith in Jesus real or misplaced? These big questions are inextricably tied to the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus didn’t really rise from the dead, our faith is as dead as Him and our hope is in vain. If He did rise from the dead we can have hope in Him for life everlasting.


What would it mean for our faith if Jesus didn't really rise from the dead? Paul talks in detail about the resurrection in today’s reading from Romans. He clearly outlines that because we are united in Jesus’ death we are also raised with Him in His resurrection. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we no longer need to be under the power of sin (vs 6), instead we are freed to live our lives for God. If Jesus had not died on our behalf and be raised to life by the power of the Holy Spirit we would still be slaves to sin and under God’s righteous judgement and wrath.


Do not fear. Jesus has been raised! There is good evidence for our faith in Jesus and our confidence in His resurrection. Come along to ChristLife tomorrow as we see together why we can be convinced that Jesus really did rise from the dead. Checkout the video at if you can’t make it.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Praise God that because of the resurrection of Jesus we can celebrate that we are freed from the eternal consequences of sin and freed from slavery to sin! Praise God that because of what Christ has done we can live free lives for Him! Hallelujah!!!

¥ Pray for the Easter Sunday services all over the world tomorrow. Pray that the good news of Jesus death and resurrection would be preached boldly and faithfully to millions and that all over the world people would come to faith in Him.


My Additional Prayer Points.





Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. How would you prove to someone that Jesus really did rise from the dead?

2. As Christians how should we live differently as a result of Jesus’ resurrection?


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