Read: Matthew 5:33-37,
James 5:12
Imagine a world where everyone told the truth at all times. Imagine a world where whatever someone said they would do they did, every time. Imagine a world where all people were trustworthy people. It would make it a lot easier to trust wouldn’t it. This world that you have just imagined isn’t just a pipe dream, when Jesus returns and the Kingdom of God is fully realised that will be a reality. As Jesus followers we are called to stand in the gap between the current world and the future world by being the Kingdom of God here and now and giving the world a taste of the world that is to come.
Demonstrating the Kingdom of God now is more than just keeping our promises though. Jesus is calling us to a life of complete integrity and honesty in all we do. Jesus does so by taking the Old Testament law (which the Pharisees twisted for their own purposes) to it’s intended conclusion, that the followers of God would more closely and more brightly reflect His character to the world around them.
If our goal is to have changed hearts that reflect the character of God there is no negotiating on the standard, no cheating our way out of honesty and integrity as the Pharisees did. We cannot lower the bar to meet what we think is practical. Rather, we are to live lives of complete and total integrity. Our words should always be true and we should always follow through on them. That is what it means for our yes to be yes and our no to be no.
What might a life of total honesty and integrity look like for you?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Praise God that He is an honest God who always keeps His promises. Praise God that we can trust Him wholly and completely with our lives. Pray that His people would be challenged this week to more closely reflect His character to those around them and to share His gospel.
¥ Pray for the youth group as they gather together tonight for fellowship and to study God’s Word. Pray that God’s word would be shared with clarity and with insight and that as a result the youth would grow to follow Jesus and to live lives for His glory. Pray that God would give the leaders wisdom as they lead the group.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Based on this passage in Matthew 5:33-37 should Christians should make promises, vows or oaths at all? Why or why not?
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