Thursday, 14 March 2013

Thursday March 14

Read: Exodus 34:1-7, Deuteronomy 7:7-10

The best way to get to know a person is to spend time with them and allow them to tell you about themselves. No amount of second-hand information, studying resumes, listing credentials, researching family history and reading about them can possibly give you as complete a picture as spending time with that person can give you directly.


That is what is happening in today’s reading from Exodus. Moses is receiving the law on Mount Sinai with God and God proclaims His name. This is God telling us about Himself - who He is and what He is like. This is God revealing to us exactly what is most important to Him. If we are ever to understand who God is we need to understand this passage.


When we are studying the sermon on the mount and seeking to understand how we are to live as followers of Jesus we must always come back to God’s character. As the Holy Spirit works in our lives and in our hearts we are transformed to more closely and more brightly reflect God’s character to the world. When we understand this it is clear that we are to be people of integrity and keep our word, because God Himself is a faithful God who always keeps His promises.


Spend a moment and list as many aspects and characteristics of God that you can from this passage. The specific things that God chooses to declare about Himself should give us an insight into what is most important to Him.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray for the congregations of North Toowoomba Presbyterian Church and South Toowoomba Presbyterian Church. Pray that God would raise up godly leaders in those churches and that the Word would be preached faithfully every Sunday. Pray that God would stir a passion in the hearts of the congregation to share Jesus with those around them.

¥ Pray for the single people in the congregation. Pray that God would give them patience and a willingness to wait on His timing. Pray that they would desire and seek after purity. Pray that they would be challenged to serve in the church.


My Additional Prayer Points.






Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Share the lists you have made of the aspects and characteristics of God.

2. Sanctification is the process by which a Christian’s character is shaped to be more like God’s. Which of these items would you expect to be in the character of a Christian?

3. What might these thinks look like practically in your life?




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