Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday, March 29 2013

Read: John 19:28-42, Romans 3:21-26

Was Jesus really dead? Many sceptics will argue that Jesus didn’t really die on the cross. Instead, many theories have been put forward about how Jesus may have fallen unconscious (also known as the Swoon Theory) or that it wasn’t really Jesus who was on the cross.

Consider the implications of such theories for a moment. Paul tells us in Romans that Jesus, by His death, became a ‘sacrifice of atonement’ on our behalf. Jesus has borne on Himself the penalties and consequences on the cross for our sin. By suffering physical punishment and the ultimate punishment of rejection by God Jesus bears all our deserved punishment. If Jesus didn’t really die on the cross what would that mean for our relationship with God?


The good news is this: Jesus really did die on the cross and through His sacrifice on our behalf we can be “justified freely by His grace” and are considered righteous before God. Come along to the service this morning or check out the video at to find out how we can be confident in both Jesus’ death on our behalf and that we are justified in the sight of God because of Him.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Take a moment to praise God and to thank Him for all that He has done on your behalf. Praise Him that, even when you were His enemy and cut off from Him, that He died on your behalf.

¥ Pray for this morning’s service at Christlife. Pray that many who don’t know Jesus would come along and would hear about Him. Pray that God would work in their hearts and that they may be fully convinced of Jesus death on their behalf. Pray that those who do know Jesus would be challenged and encouraged to live their lives for Him.


My Additional Prayer Points.





Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. How would you go about proving that Jesus really did die on the cross to a sceptic?

2. What would it mean for our faith if Jesus didn’t really die on the cross?


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