Read: Zechariah 8:14-17, Matthew 5:37
Let’s talk about your life. How does it look to be a person of honesty and integrity in your situation? What does it look like to live the principals of today’s readings? Pause for a moment and write down some key areas of focus in your life. These might be places where you spend a lot of time, activities that you spend a lot of time doing or things that are truly important to you. For example work, family and church might be key areas. Keep that list handy.
Let’s think about what it might look like to be a person of integrity and honesty at work. If I am an employee it could mean being careful not to defraud my employer. It could mean not only making sure that I complete my required hours or fulfil my role, but making sure I work hard without wasting time. If I am a business owner it might look like paying my bills on time or paying my employees fairly. It might look like making sure I am honest about keeping my business records. If you had work or business written down as one of your key areas have a think about how it might look to be a person of integrity in this area for you. Write down your ideas on your list.
How about a little closer to home? What might it look like to be a person of integrity and honesty at home with your family? If you are still living with your parents it might look like showing them godly respect and kindness. It might look like being transparent with them about your life and allowing them to be involved. If you are a parent this might look like being totally honest with your spouse. It might extend to the way that you treat the children, do you treat them with favouritism, or do you treat them all with equal respect and kindness? How do you treat your extended family? If family was an item on your list (I hope it was) write down some ideas about how it might look to be a person of integrity with your family.
What about at church? What might it look like to be a person of total integrity at church? Do you show a different person at church to who you really are? Do you pretend to be better than what you really are? At church honesty and integrity might mean showing the real you to those around you. It might mean talking directly to the person with whom you have a conflict rather than talking to others first. If you had church as an item on your list jot down a few other ideas for how to be a person of integrity and honesty at church.
I’m sure that you had some other areas on your list. Have a think about what it might look like to be a person of honesty and integrity in each of them. Remember that you cannot become a person of honesty and integrity on your own, you need the Holy Spirit to work in your life. After you have finished spend a moment to pray over your list that God would change your heart and help you to be a person of integrity.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Pray that God would give others wisdom today as they study what it means to be a person of honesty and integrity in every area of their life. Pray that God would give people a passion for honesty and integrity and that they would be challenged to honour God in every area of their lives.
¥ Pray for the services at Christlife tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening. Pray that the Word would be preached with boldness and integrity. Pray that the hearts of the congregation would be receptive to God’s Word and challenged about being people of integrity. Pray that people who don’t know Jesus would be drawn to attend and would hear the good news.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Discuss together the different areas of your life which you have listed and share how you can be a person of honesty and integrity in those areas.
2. How can you support and encourage each other in putting these ideas into practice?
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