Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Tuesday March 19 2013

Read: Matthew 5:38-48, Luke 23:32-43

Imagine the scene. The righteous, all-powerful, all-loving God of the universe hangs on a cross. Bloodied and beaten, his face is barely recognisable behind his injuries (Isaiah 52:14). We have read and heard the story so many times but can we really truly understand the mockery, cruelty and harshness which Jesus’ suffered at the hands of His enemies? Can we truly imagine the shame of the crucifixion and the harshness of his critics?


How does Jesus respond to these attacks on Him? Re-read Luke 23:34. Jesus response to the attacks and mockery of his enemies is that of forgiveness and grace. We see this throughout his trial, his crucifixion and after His resurrection. He remains silent in the face of personal and physical attacks, always gracious to his enemies.


Jesus’ commands to us in Matthew are not an impossible standard. He does not give us a requirement that He was unable to keep, rather he perfectly demonstrated love in the face of hatred and kindness in the face of conflict.

More than this we see in scripture that His followers also kept this high standard, demonstrating God’s great grace to those around them.


As we consider this week how we might be able to ‘turn the other cheek’ and to ‘love our enemies’ let us turn our minds to the perfect example of forgiveness and grace in the face of evil. How might we be able to reflect Jesus’ character to those around us in this area? How can we be the ‘salt and light’ by demonstrating love to those around us?



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Praise God for the perfect example we have in Jesus’ of kindness and love in the face of cruelty and hatred. Praise God that through the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ that we can be made right with Him for eternity. Pray that today you would be able to reflect the character of Jesus into the world around you. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work in your heart to help you to be more gracious today.

¥ Pray for the Play Pals group which are gathering together tomorrow morning. Pray that the mothers who come along would be touched by the love and grace of the church mums and that they might come to know Jesus.


My Additional Prayer Points.






Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Jesus demonstrates how to turn the other cheek and love our enemies during His trial and crucifixion. How does Jesus respond to his attackers? Give examples from the text.

2. How would some of these principals look in your life?


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Spend some time discussing God’s great grace to us. Share with each other how you came to know Jesus.

2. Are there situations in your life where you do not forgive others? Share those with the group.


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