Weekly Challenge
Resolve this week to be faithful to your word and do everything you say you will do without having to be prompted. Make notes about what you need to do if you have to.
Read: Deuteronomy 6:13-15, Deuteronomy 23:21-23, Zechariah 8:14-17
Even now in Queensland courts witness’s are asked to swear an oath on the Bible (or an alternative). Why is it that our culture still considers it sacred to swear on the Bible? It is not a stretch of the imagination to believe that the practice stems, in part, from today’s reading in Deuteronomy 6:13-15.
When God gave Israel the law it included strict instructions about how oath taking should occur. This is about more than just the occasional, day-to-day promise. These oaths were taken in relation to legal affairs and serious religious matters. God commands that when these oaths are taken, indeed when any oath is taken, that Israel should only swear on God, not on anything else.
The law also affirms the importance which God places on fulfilling any oaths made. Deuteronomy 23 shows us that to break an oath or even to be slow to fulfil it is a sin. If that language is not strong enough God tells us through Zechariah that He hates false swearing and lying amongst His people.
How seriously do we take our word? As we look at oaths and promises this week consider how truthful, honest and open you are with your words. How can you live this week in a way that is more honest?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Pray that this week as we study the issues of a Christian’s word and oath making that God would prompt you to be more honest and have greater integrity in every area of your life. Pray that God would raise up a similar desire for all those in the congregation. Pray that those who don’t know Jesus would be challenged by your integrity.
¥ Pray for all the senior members of our church. Pray that God would continue to watch over them and care for them. Pray that wherever they are that they would not waste the opportunities they have been given but would embrace them to share their faith with others.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What important oaths or promises have you made in your life?
2. How consistently were you able to fulfil all these promises?
3. From today’s reading how important are those oaths and promises to God?
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