Read: Romans 8:5-9,
Psalm 119:9-16
We cannot talk about the issue of sexual purity in the 21st century without discussing fantasy. Many popular figures in our culture and even celebrity medical professionals are not only okay with sexual fantasy but even advocate it. The Biblical truth about fantasy and our thought life is radically different.
Our culture would consider fantasy harmless because it only occurs in the mind, no action is actually being made by the person. This is so different to the Biblical standard described by Jesus in this week’s passage from Matthew 5:27-29. Jesus actually extends the concept of Biblical morality to actions which occur only in the mind and heart. This is because Jesus is not only interested in a change of behaviour but in a change of our hearts.
Is the issue of our thought life really so important? In Scripture we are exhorted to think in a manner which is glorifying to God rather than a manner which is not (Colossians 3:2, Philippians 4:8). Paul takes this idea even further in today’s reading from Romans 8. Paul tells us that if our thoughts are consistently sinful then it is proof that we are not even in Christ!
We clearly need to be wary of allowing ourselves sinful sexual thoughts or fantasies. We need to protect our minds by replacing our sinful thoughts with Godly thoughts. This is what the Psalmist did when he says that he has hidden God’s word in his heart and that he meditates on God’s precepts. This is what Paul suggests in Colossians 3:2 and Philippians 4:8. We need to practice combating our sinful thoughts with thoughts of God’s word and what God has done on our behalf.
Along with guarding your eyes, consider how you might be able to keep your thought life more pure. Memorise Philippians 4:8 and whenever you have an impure thought today repeat the verse and pray that God would help you to think on those things.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Praise God that even though we so often sin against Him in our thoughts and in our hearts that He has made a way for us to come into relationship with Him and to be made more like Him. Pray that today God would keep your thoughts on Him and on His word and that when you struggle with sinful thoughts that He would give you strength and desire to counter those thoughts.
¥ Pray for the youth group as they gather together tonight. Pray that God would give wisdom to Brad and all of the leaders as they seek to lead the youth. Pray that God would stir in the hearts of the youth a passion for holiness and a deeper relation ship with God.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Read Philippians 4:8. What are some things that you can focus your thoughts on which are true, noble and pure?
2. What are some practical ways that you can refocus your thoughts today onto the things you have discussed?
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