Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Wednesday September 8, 2010

Read John 4:39-42

Word of mouth is the best advertising. Every advertising firm knows that. Every owner of a business wants his/her brand name to be on people’s lips so that word of mouth spreads the beauty and necessity of their product.

Without being worldly, believers need to realise that word of mouth is the best ‘advertising’ for Jesus. What Jesus has done in your life is a powerful testimony that you can share with the world. The Samaritan woman at the well went to her village and told everything about Jesus and her encounter with the living Lord. They were intrigued and wanted to know more. After hearing Jesus, they declared that He really was the Saviour of the world! Hallelujah!

Let me encourage you to look for opportunities to share your testimony. Look for open doors to speak about what Christ has done in and through you. Create opportunities to peak people’s curiosity about what Jesus has done in your life. You are a living advertisement for our Lord whether you realise it or not. You may as well be a good one and a positive one!

“But, but, but”, I hear you say. I know there are many buts. I know there are issues but it’s not that hard. Here’s a few steps to help you get started:-

1. To help you share your testimony, try writing it out first. Once you have written it out you can share the different bits in different circumstances as relevant.

2. There are basically three parts to your testimony. What life was like before you came to know Christ. Talk about your desires, your life outlook, your passions etc. Next is how you came to know Christ Jesus. Talk about what He did to bring you to salvation and how He worked in your life. Finally, talk about how life has been since you’ve become a Christian. Talk about how you’ve changed with God in your life. This doesn’t need to be all roses. If you’ve struggled and had issues, talk about how God has walked with you and got you through so far. If you’ve been a Christian all your life and have no conversion date as such, talk about what you’ve seen God do in your life and how you’ve seen him at work. Talk about how you’ve changed and grown with God over the years.

3. You can ‘steer’ a conversation to gospel issues and open doors for your testimony in several ways:-

m If someone asks “How are you?”, tell them about how you’re going with God. It’ll blow them away but might open doors to talk more.

m Pique their curiosity by answering in unexpected ways. Eg, Someone told me they were not religious. I responded by telling them that Jesus was not religious either. Once you have  made a statement wait for that other person to ask a question. Once a question has been asked, dialogue has opened up and you are ready to talk about Jesus.

Let them see the purity and holiness of your life. Putting Jesus first always raises questions.  Think of the following example. Your mates ask you to go to the footy next Sonday. You can pull your head in and go or you can say something like, ‘That sounds great. I’d love to go but I’m not willing to give up my time with Jesus next Sonday at church.’

When someone makes a statement that has gospel implications start questioning them (not interrogating them). What do you mean? Tell me more? Draw that out for me. Help me understand your point of view.


m Over the 2 weeks of mission, pray for opportunities to share your testimony. Pray that every one will get on board and be at the events to share their faith, to speak to non believers and to shine the light of Jesus.

m Pray for a growing passion and zeal among the believers at ChristLife Presbyterian Church.

Get Into It!

Write out your testimony and show it to a mature believer for comment and refinement.

Make sure you focus on God and not yourself.

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