Thursday, 16 September 2010

Thursday September 16, 2010

Read Mark 10:28-31 & Acts 4:32

When people are presented with the gospel for the first time and are thinking through the implications of becoming Christian and following the Lord, they often consider the things they will lose in converting to Christ. They think of  the things they might have to forsake to enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus knows that as a believer we may have to give up or lose certain things for the sake of the kingdom.  What reassuring words we hear from His lips, to quell those fears.  Those who have lost family, friends , houses and so on will receive a hundred times as much in this age. But even more so, they will also receive eternal life in the next age.

The early church captured the essence of the teaching of Jesus here. They willingly sold their possessions and gave to the needy. People considered nothing they owned to be their own and they willingly shared all they had. What a beautiful portrait of what Jesus taught in Mark 10.  How attractive would Christianity be to the lost world if our churches were this generous and other centred? How many non believers would grace the steps of our churches if they could see the poor being relieved, the destitute being clothed, the hungry being fed, the homeless being housed and so on. How we would see a revival as we truly worship the Lord our God with our heart, soul, mind and strength.


m Pray for the Straight Talk session tonight. Again ask the Lord to bring along many teenagers and their parents to hear about a better alternative to the sexuality of the world - namely abstinence until marriage.

m Pray that Jim and Faye Lyons would have a great opportunity to speak about the grace of the Lord and to bring hope and new life to whole families.

m Pray that God’s forgiveness would shine through.

m Pray that there would be many believers saddling up to non believers to share the gospel with them.

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