Friday, 10 September 2010

Friday September 10, 2010

Read John 6:35-59

Bread is one of the most basic foods of the world. Almost every nation and culture has some kind of bread as a regular part of their diet. Kebabs, hamburgers, yeeros, burritos, tortillas, Nan, pida... are all types of bread or bread meals used throughout the world. No wonder Jesus’ words about Himself being the bread of life are so easy to relate to.

Jesus made some incredible claims by the lake that day. They were so incredible that many were driven away. Many turned and left because His teachings were too hard.  Jesus claimed to be the bread of life - the true food that gives life. He told us that His flesh was the bread and anyone who feeds on it has eternal life. Jesus’ flesh (see V 48-51) is a reference to His death on the cross for the sins of the world. This is the flesh that came down from heaven for men to eat.

And we are called to feed on Jesus’ flesh to have eternal  life. This is not some cannibalistic ritual. Nor is it a call to religious ceremony. Jesus is telling us that the way to eternal life is to continue in relationship with Christ, based on His death and resurrection. This truth plays itself out again and again throughout our existence.

As a non believer, a person can come to God only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Trusting in His work at the cross is the only way to salvation. There is no other way to be saved. You cannot buy your way into heaven. You cannot do enough good deeds to merit your salvation. You cannot be nice enough or good enough in yourself to warrant salvation. You must come to Jesus and accept His death and resurrection on your own behalf if you are going to be saved.

As a believer I must come back to Jesus’ work again and again. When I fall into sin I seek the Lord’s forgiveness on the basis of that death and resurrection. When I need a filling of the Holy Spirit, I seek the Lord on the basis of the death and resurrection of Christ. When I doubt my salvation I can do no better than revisit the cross, the cross where my salvation was once for all purchased.

When I am tempted to sin, I recall the work of Jesus and His overcoming for me. I am strengthened by His presence with me. When I am proud, I am reminded that everything I have or am is because of His work at Calvary for me.  When I am ill, I call  to God for healing because Jesus has defeated  every enemy and even death itself by His work at the cross. When I lie on death’s bed I look to Jesus and know that because of His death and resurrection I will soon be with God for all eternity. ‘Life Forever’ is mine because of Jesus’ work at Calvary on my behalf.  As a believer, I feed on Jesus’ flesh constantly. It is He who sustains me. It is He who strengthens me. It is He who works in me and through me.


m Two weeks of mission are almost upon us. Pray that these will be two weeks of growth, of conversion and of great, unparalleled joy as more non believers come to faith in Christ Jesus.

m Pray that God would send labourers into this great harvest field so that we can bring in the harvest for the Lord Jesus.

Get Into It.

Are you able to share the gospel with a non believer? Write out what you would say to a person asking you about Christianity.

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