Thursday, 30 September 2010

Thursday September 30, 2010

Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

As we read from Colossians that Jesus defeated every enemy, triumphing over them by the cross, we have to examine the battle each one of us faces daily with temptation. Granted, we are all tempted by different things and different issues, but the truth remains, we are all tempted. Even Jesus was tempted.

But what does the victorious, risen Lord do for us in the hour of temptation?

1 Cor 10:13 is a wonderful promise.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Several points need to be made as we read this promise:-

µ God does not promise to take away temptation. He promises us a way through it. Expecting temptation to end in this life is a false and unbiblical expectation.

µ God will allow temptation into our lives only to a point which we can bear. Those times when we regrettably gave into temptation were our choices and fall on our heads. God is not to blame for tempting me too much.

µ God will provide a way out of temptation. He provides the way and it’s often up to us to take that way, to walk along the route that He has provided.

µ We can choose not to take His provision to stand up under temptation. We can choose to give into temptation. Don’t be fooled. This does not please the Lord.

From experience (my own and from others) has taught me that God provides a way out in several forms. Sometimes He will grant the supernatural power to walk away from temptation. Praise God when He does. At other times he will provide a verse or portion of Scripture to meditate on and to strengthen us. It’s very hard, for example, to be greedy and covetous when a relevant verse is enlarged in our heart and mind. At other times He will bring along a brother or sister to aid us in the hour of temptation. Again, we can seek their help or we can lie and deceive them that all is ok with us. Still at other times He will intervene and remove the temptation from before us.

Often what happens in temptation is very subtle and dangerous. When we begin to face temptation, the urge or the desire wells up within us. Sometimes we begin to look for excuses or reasons why we should indulge our passions or lusts. We begin to justify our plan to indulge. We begin to make an excuse for it. Sometimes we’ll play around with that excuse for some time before we indulge. When our bodily passions are fully ignited, we indulge.

It’s at that early stage that we need to pray and to seek God’s deliverance out of temptation. Flirting with it is dangerous and foolish. Pray. Ask God to give you a way out before it’s too late. Ring a brother or sister and get prayer and practical help. Do what ever it takes to nip sin and temptation in the bud.

God has promised a way out of temptation. No wonder the very next verse says, “Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.”.


m Pray for your church leaders, session, teachers, preachers, youth leaders, cell leaders and kids work leaders. Pray that God would provide avenues of escape for them in the hour of temptation. Ask God to make these men and women strong in the Lord, people filled with integrity and the ability to walk continually on paths of righteousness.

m If you struggle with a particular kind of temptation or source of temptation pray that God would release you from that temptation and that He’ll provide a mechanism to keep it in check, once for all.

Get Into It!

If you struggle with temptation, ring a trusted mature Christian friend and ask them to be praying with you.

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